Jim Boeheim mocks Derek Jeter


Jan 1, 2003
Jonathan Lehman

Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim speaks with the media regarding an NCAA investigation and his planned retirement. Photo: Getty Images

New Yorkers will put up with a lot from Jim Boeheim, but this time he may have gone too far.

The cranky Syracuse coach addressed the media Thursday morning about his upcoming retirement and used the forum to take a unprovoked dig at Yankees icon Derek Jeter.

"I'm not Derek Jeter," Boeheim said, according to "There will be no farewell tour."

Jeter was feted at ballparks around MLB during his final season in 2014. Nothing so elaborate for the 70-year-old Boeheim, just an announcement he would step away three years from now (or sooner) from a program smacked with NCAA sanctions over a full suite of academic, benefits and drug violations.

Here are five more ludicrous disclaimers, alibis and jabs from Boeheim's defiant press conference:

"One violation is one too many. But I believe the penalty imposed on the university and myself are unduly harsh."

Boeheim is already suspended for the first half of the next ACC season, a total of nine games. Syracuse will also have three scholarships taken away for four seasons and all wins vacated in which an ineligible player participated during five seasons between 2004 and 2012. The total wins removed from records could be as high as 108, depending on what happens in the appeal process. Syracuse has already vacated 24 wins.

"This is far from a program where student-athletes freely committed academic fraud."

In its report, the NCAA said athletic department officials interfered with academics to make sure star players stayed eligible. Support staff routinely accessed and sent emails from student-athletes' accounts and corresponded directly with professors and included attached course work to maintain the required grades for the student-athletes to remain eligible, the report said.

"I think there's a little racism involved when they talk about not taking this guy or that guy."

Ah, the race card. Boeheim was discussing the student-athletes allowed into his program. Fab Melo, a native of Brazil whose (questionable) grades featured prominently in the NCAA report, was cited by Boeheim, as was Rakeem Christmas, who is black.

"I did a 17-page paper on the American Revolution in one night. … I had 32 quotations."

Presented without comment.

"There was no way I would ever run away from an investigation in progress. I had no plans to coach this long. This investigation has made it imperative … Three years is probably longer than I was planning."

Yes, Boeheim is a man who sticks around and answers for the misdeeds perpetrated on his watch. Syracuse will appeal the NCAA's punishment.

With AP
Wow. The guy is in complete denial. What arrogance. I hope he's drummed out of town before those three years are up. If there was any leadership at that university, which at one time was considered rather academically prestigious, he'd be gone already.
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Jim Calhoun was just on Mike and Mike and he was asked if good friend Boeheim was staying at Syracuse for three more years because of recruiting? He answer was "yeah, about 100%."
Wow, what a harsh mock. You Jeter fans gotta take it easy...
Originally posted by Seton75:

Wow, what a harsh mock. You Jeter fans gotta take it easy...
Boeheim stole my thunder. Yesterday, I made a joke with somebody that Boeheim's going to do three Jeter victory laps to collect gifts.
When I watched this on tv , he was asked if he thought he would get an applause during his last game at Duke UNC etc. His answer was he didn't think so and that he's not Derek jeter. It was obvious that he was referencing the respect DJ received from across the board and that he didn't think he would receive the same from other fan bases. I'm not sure how he could have answered the question any better or any less controversy.
Leave it to the press to take the Jeter reference out of context. What's wrong with these people? (wink). It's only cheating when you get caught. I like a cranky Jim Boeheim, seems as natural as indigestion after eating a Yankee frank.