Khalid Sheikh Mohammed


All World
Feb 4, 2005
After debating the idea of trying him in civilian court the Obama Justice Dept has agreed to try him at Gitmo before a military tribunal.

Wait a minute, wasn't Gitmo supposed to be closed by now?

Military tribunals, warrantless wiretaps, drone use in Afghanistan, war in Libya. George W Obama????? LOL!!!
He does that and Code Pink and the Left will have no reason left to support him.

Originally posted by PiratePride:
Now if Obama will change his mind on oil drilling......
Closing Gitmo was supposed to be a slam dunk....what happened??? So much for campaign promises.
I remember the smug look on his face when he announced that it was going to be a priority of his adminsitartion to close GITMO the first year in office. Reality bites.
If the President realizes that he made a mistake and corrects the error he should be applauded not criticized. Too many let ego's get in the way of bad decisions.

Tom K
Originally posted by SnakeTom:
If the President realizes that he made a mistake and corrects the error he should be applauded not criticized. Too many let ego's get in the way of bad decisions.

Tom K
Excuse me, but I haven't heard him admit he made a mistake....
Exactly. Just the opposite, he makes it sound like he didn't change his mind at all.

Eric Holder, our esteemed AG, basically blamed Congress (read REPUBLICANS) for not supporting moving the terror suspects to civilian prisons and having civilian trials. In other words they had no choice but to do this.

He doesn't admit mistakes. He simply blames Bush then proceeds to do what Bush was doing.

Originally posted by HALL85:

Originally posted by SnakeTom:
If the President realizes that he made a mistake and corrects the error he should be applauded not criticized. Too many let ego's get in the way of bad decisions.

Tom K
Excuse me, but I haven't heard him admit he made a mistake....
Originally posted by HALL85:
Closing Gitmo was supposed to be a slam dunk....what happened??? So much for campaign promises.

Politics happened.

Read the link from the bottom up. He faced opposition with whatever he tried... eventually he gave up because you have to pick your fights.

Also PiratePride... Obama was pro offshore drilling as a part of an overall energy reform package that dies with the BP spill.

Baloney. That's the point. To say he changed because there was no support is to admit he has no position and he is a fraud. Secondly look at every position he took on terrorism during the campaign, he has been rebuked on everyone.

And don't give me this nonsense on drilling. He is the most HOSTILE President to drilling and overall to new gas and oill exploration than any administration ever. Ask anyone about his Interior Sec Ken Salazar.

It was funny to hear him take credit recently for all the new production occurring. He knows damn well most of those leases were given LONG before his Presidency and he had nothing to do with it.

He and his administration were caught LYING by a Federal Judge when they instituted a moratoriaum on drilling in the gulf because of the BP disaster. They cited a study but the authors of the study never called for a moratorium. It was purely political because they don't like oil and gas period. I discussed this earlier.

Originally posted by Merge:

Originally posted by HALL85:
Closing Gitmo was supposed to be a slam dunk....what happened??? So much for campaign promises.

Politics happened.

Read the link from the bottom up. He faced opposition with whatever he tried... eventually he gave up because you have to pick your fights.

Also PiratePride... Obama was pro offshore drilling as a part of an overall energy reform package that dies with the BP spill.
Originally posted by Merge:

Originally posted by HALL85:
Closing Gitmo was supposed to be a slam dunk....what happened??? So much for campaign promises.

Politics happened.

Read the link from the bottom up. He faced opposition with whatever he tried... eventually he gave up because you have to pick your fights.

Also PiratePride... Obama was pro offshore drilling as a part of an overall energy reform package that dies with the BP spill.
Opposition?? You have to be kidding. Remember, he had a Democratic House and Senate his first two years. Why would he need to "give up" when he had numbers. He certainly didn't give up on the disaster known as "healthcare reform". The fact is he made a promise that was a bad decision and he hasn't delivered on it (nor claimed he made a mistake). Now that dope Holder is on the news tonight telling us that he's smarter than all of the other lawyers and judges that told him he was wrong to try the terrorists in Federal Courts.
Originally posted by michstfr:
Baloney. That's the point. To say he changed because there was no support is to admit he has no position and he is a fraud. Secondly look at every position he took on terrorism during the campaign, he has been rebuked on everyone.

And don't give me this nonsense on drilling. He is the most HOSTILE President to drilling and overall to new gas and oill exploration than any administration ever. Ask anyone about his Interior Sec Ken Salazar.

It was funny to hear him take credit recently for all the new production occurring. He knows damn well most of those leases were given LONG before his Presidency and he had nothing to do with it.

He and his administration were caught LYING by a Federal Judge when they instituted a moratoriaum on drilling in the gulf because of the BP disaster. They cited a study but the authors of the study never called for a moratorium. It was purely political because they don't like oil and gas period. I discussed this earlier.

Originally posted by Merge:

Originally posted by HALL85:
Closing Gitmo was supposed to be a slam dunk....what happened??? So much for campaign promises.

Politics happened.

Read the link from the bottom up. He faced opposition with whatever he tried... eventually he gave up because you have to pick your fights.

Also PiratePride... Obama was pro offshore drilling as a part of an overall energy reform package that dies with the BP spill.

So if something will not get through congress, he is a fraud?

Here is a link to the Obama truth o meter re terrorism. He has come through on some things.

Also Here are his comments regarding the criticisms he received for supporting offshore drilling.

“There will be those who strongly disagree with this decision, including those who say we should not open any new areas to drilling, But what I want to emphasize is that this announcement is part of a broader strategy that will move us from an economy that runs on fossil fuels and foreign oil to one that relies more on homegrown fuels and clean energy. And the only way this transition will succeed is if it strengthens our economy in the short term and long term. To fail to recognize this reality would be a mistake.”

One month later, there was the BP spill.

You're not serious are you?

You are not quoting politifact and Truth O Meter as objective?

Because if you are you are a bigger joke then first thought.

Secondly if you knew anything about Gitmo you would know it is not merely a Congressional Act.

And if you knew anything about how they tried to sell this you would know they got caught with their pants down. Mr. Holder tried to assure people he could get a conviction in civilian court. Except you as a prosecutor cannot GUARANTEE a conviction. It borders on prosecutorial misconduct. He knew that. He got caught and he is a fraud. This is a cop out.

But I'm sure Politifact will be right there to tell you that!!! LOL!!

BTW-Do you have any thoughts of your own or do you simply read Truth O Meter and assume they are correct?
Originally posted by SnakeTom:
If the President realizes that he made a mistake and corrects the error he should be applauded not criticized. Too many let ego's get in the way of bad decisions.

Tom K
Seems to me that's proof positive that he was either not ready for the job, didn't know what he was doing, or lied to get elected. Not that first or last time that happened/will happen. Just another example of the American electorate being duped by a fraud.
Originally posted by michstfr:
You're not serious are you?

You are not quoting politifact and Truth O Meter as objective?

Because if you are you are a bigger joke then first thought.

Secondly if you knew anything about Gitmo you would know it is not merely a Congressional Act.

And if you knew anything about how they tried to sell this you would know they got caught with their pants down. Mr. Holder tried to assure people he could get a conviction in civilian court. Except you as a prosecutor cannot GUARANTEE a conviction. It borders on prosecutorial misconduct. He knew that. He got caught and he is a fraud. This is a cop out.

But I'm sure Politifact will be right there to tell you that!!! LOL!!

BTW-Do you have any thoughts of your own or do you simply read Truth O Meter and assume they are correct?

mhm... typical reply.

Don't like the info, attack the source and the poster. Call me anything you want. I enjoy being reminded what it was like in middle school.

Yes, when someone posts something that seems outlandish... like for example Secondly look at every position he took on terrorism during the campaign, he has been rebuked on everyone.

I take a look at that site to see some of what he has said and some of what he has done.

Is it THE source? No. Do they have decent info regarding claims and what happened to those claims? Yes.

and yes. He did support offshore drilling before the BP spill. Democrats in general were pretty upset with him for that.

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