America's Least Corrupt State is...New Jersey

It is hard to fathom that the state government would get that kind of high grade considering the disgrace of Corzine. Actually, the corruption in the state is most prevalent at the local level. Find me a city more corrupt than Newark, or Camden, or Trenton, or Paterson, or Atlantic City or......
I would think that the Corzine Administration would be better characterized as incompetent rather than corrupt.

Tom K
Not sure about that Tom - remember sleeping with the union boss and John will always do whatever it takes to make himself look good.

Oh yeah and the whole McGreevy I am a gay American bit (although true) was staged by the Dems so Corzine could run because McGreevy was damaged goods and was deemed unelectable. And that is not from me, but is well documented in the book written by NJ political writers called the "Soprano State".

And finally how about lavishing the inner city churches with mega donations in the years prior to his election? Yea no corruption there...

Regardless I think the folks that ran the study must have been corrupt themselves because I hate to admit this but there is still lots of corruption here in NJ.
My reference was to Corzine not McGreevey. There is no question about corruption during the McGreevey regime. I realize that it is thin line regarding corruption, incompetence or both, but we can agree that neither did a good job as Governor. And if you want you can add Whitman to that grouping of bad Governors here in NJ.

Tom K
Originally posted by SnakeTom:
I would think that the Corzine Administration would be better characterized as incompetent rather than corrupt.

Tom K

You should read the chapters of Soprano State dealing with Corzine. You sound like an apologist. What happened to the $8bil for the School Development Corporation under his watch?
I believe Corzine was corrupt for power. And I agree Whitman, McGreevy and Corzine were all really bad governors.
Originally posted by donnie_baseball:

Originally posted by SnakeTom:
I would think that the Corzine Administration would be better characterized as incompetent rather than corrupt.

Tom K

You should read the chapters of Soprano State dealing with Corzine. You sound like an apologist. What happened to the $8bil for the School Development Corporation under his watch?

How the hell am I an apologist if I'm calling him incompetent & a terrible Governor? Sometimes I wonder if you read before you attack.

I don't think it's fair to group Whitman in with McGreevey and Corzine. I don't recall any corruption, nor much incompetence during her time in power. You can argue whether her decisions were harmful to the state long term, but that was calculated on her part.

Let's not forget McGreevey also appointing his lover in the highest State Terrorist Security post...that was shameful.
Whitman was not corrupt but she was a terrible Governor who took over the State without a defecit & left office with a huge one. She lowered taxes and kept spending. Then she illegally borrowed money from disability funds to balance the budget but of course that money had to be paid back which left the state in extremely bad financial state. McGreevey's Admin. was marred by corruption and extremely bad choices he made in appointments. My point is that our last three elected Governors all did poor jobs in office and combine4d to create the financial mess that the state is in and yes all three were incompetent.

This was a thread about corruption, which was the basis of my response.

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