Is what politicians count on. Here's the latest example:
Is what politicians count on. Here's the latest example:
That's not the point. The point is people say they "approve," but they can't tell you why. Put a "R" next to his name and I guarantee the approval rating wouldn't be 52%. It would be in the 40s, because some people just don't know any better and some are willfully ignorant.
I would love to see this actually. Do the same poll with a "R" next to his name. 1) see what the numbers are and 2) see what percentage of the people polled correct the pollster by saying no, this person is actually a Democrat. I bet you it won't be as much as you might think.
I don't think many people really care that much about a piece of "hallmark legislation", only the results and how it is impacting them personally.Right now unemployment in NJ is very low, wages are up. Violent crime and drug overdoses are declining.
A fairly favorable environment right now resulting in slightly better than average ratings.
There were a lot of questions, even from sympathetic members of the media, regarding Murphy’s claim of decreasing violent crime, on more than one occasion.
C'mon man!!! lolThey just found classified documents in Biden’s ass.He was not aware they were there LOL