Apple Repatriation

Can't wait to hear Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Cern, Merge, Solo, et al, tell us how this is a bad thing and how it proves Trump is a racist.

Tax cuts are not a bad thing. I've said we should lower the corporate tax rate many times here. I think we probably went too low, but it is what it is.
I also said it should have been balanced with higher taxes on the wealthy as to not cause a large decline in revenue.
I believe that is a mistake especially since there is really no possibility of reducing spending in the near future.

Now, I wouldn't go as far as saying Apple is seeking new expenditures BECAUSE of the tax cut.

Also, I follow Apple fairly closely. CapEx was about 2 billion in 2010, which increased to 16 billion by 2017.
They have been making massive investments. They just finished a 5 billion dollar US project in 2017. Apple has been increasingly investing in the cloud and they are likely not far away from their next major product release (long overdue at this point - and lots of rumors about what it is) Their US operations had grown significantly with the old tax code.

The alternate headline would have been Apple to repatriate $250 billion dollars.
They needed to add some PR to that. (nothing wrong with that either)
Yes, but this truly proves Trump is a racist and I am not sue why you have not picked up on that.
As a stock holder I love this. I hope my dividend increases and the stock goes through the roof. But, Apple is going to pay $38 billion in taxes on $250 billion of earnings. What is that paying 15% taxes? I just think this is too much of a give away to corporations. A deal for repatriation of this money had to be done. I just think this was too much. Bill Clinton called for a deal for repatriation over 5 years ago on the condition for jobs in the US. This is not a Trump idea.

Moreover, the expenditures that Apple announced that it is going to spend is probably the same amount that it was going to spend. Data Centers have to be built by Apple to keep up with ongoing demand.
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As a stock holder I love this. I hope my dividend increases and the stock goes through the roof. But, Apple is going to pay $38 billion in taxes on $250 million of earnings. What is that paying 15% taxes? I just think this is too much of a give away to corporations. A deal for repatriation of this money had to be done. I just think this was too much. Bill Clinton called for a deal for repatriation over 5 years ago on the condition for jobs in the US. This is not a Trump idea.

Moreover, the expenditures that Apple announced that it is going to spend is probably the same amount that it was going to spend. Data Centers have to be built by Apple to keep up with ongoing demand.
Most ideas are not unique and breakthrough. It's all about execution. I guess Bill couldn't convince Hillary to make that part of the platform. Interesting also that Amazon did identify the 20 finalist for their corporate headquarters. My predictions:
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"Let me be clear, there are large parts of this that are a result of the tax reform, and there's large parts of this that we would have done in any situation," Cook said.

Jarvis suggested President Trump's tax bill is a "huge windfall" for Apple, a statement Cook did not directly refute.

"There are two parts of tax bill, there's a corporate piece and an individual piece," Cook explained. "I do believe the corporate tax side will result in job creation and a faster growing economy."
Interesting also that Amazon did identify the 20 finalist for their corporate headquarters. My predictions:

My guess about a corporate HQ for Amazon are 1) Austin 2) Atlanta 3) Raleigh 4) Sleeper Newark
They need engineers. Don’t discount Boston or even Pittsburgh. Lots of colleges in both spots. I think with the legislature and some of the laws in NC no way Bezos goes there.
They need engineers. Don’t discount Boston or even Pittsburgh. Lots of colleges in both spots. I think with the legislature and some of the laws in NC no way Bezos goes there.
Agree on NC, can't see that happening given the current climate. Pitt has a large under utilized airport and has a strong tech based workforce and university talent like you said. Pitts weather is dreadful though.

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