Big East Embracing BLM

It probably reflects the fact that college players are predominantly black and the Big East
wanted to support one of their causes.As HZF indicated they should have researched the
statements from some of their leaders which are Marxists.
Does an athlete in the Big East have the option of wearing that patch? Surely there are student athletes who realize that BLM was founded by communists and is responsible for the Mayhem being carried out in many major cities. Ackerman can't be that naive nor can the coaches and assistant coaches.
Well is this associated with BLM the organization? Or just the overall movement for justice. In my mind there is a difference between the two....

you can support the idea that black lives matter and there is racial injustice in this country, while simultaneously not supporting the organization.
If there was just a way to separate from that digusting organization while still embracing the ideal of ending racism.
There is. Just lowercase the last two words and it no longer speaks of the organization, but of a truth.

"Black lives matter."

I know you know it and think it, but there are an awful lot of people - some here on this board, it seems - who use what they want to believe about the organization to avoid embracing the idea that Black lives do indeed matter. And that's a shame.
There is. Just lowercase the last two words and it no longer speaks of the organization, but of a truth.

"Black lives matter."

I know you know it and think it, but there are an awful lot of people - some here on this board, it seems - who use what they want to believe about the organization to avoid embracing the idea that Black lives do indeed matter. And that's a shame.

All good except the words "black" and "white" should NOT be capitalized unless they are at the beginning of a sentence.

The organization co-opted the movement but there should be some actual thought into this and come up with something else. Otherwise, you get what you pay for.
Unfortunately, this was a business decision made by the BE. The Conference didn’t want to be perceived as not being woke as other conferences would use it as a wedge for recruiting purposes. It is an example of principal over principle.

‘Systemic racism exists in education such that inner city students have no choice; vouchers are anathema to teacher unions. Much more significantly, systematic racism is embodied in the scandalous and hugely disproportionate black abortion rate; in fact, more black babies are aborted in NYC than are born. Abortion mills are foisted upon and promoted within inner cities.

BLM patches do nothing other than virtue signal and pay obeisance to the woke crowd. As always, the real issues facing the black community are ignored by society and the media. Sad.
As someone who is Black acknowledging there are like 3 of us on these boards, im gonna say this right here and right now. You people saying that BLM is Marxist is nothing more than a right wing buzz term and utilizing the actions of few to justify your thoughts is no different than if I were to say a Trump supporter is probably racist (also, that's probably true whether they realize it or not. Also, read Trump supporter vs a Republican).

OK, now get ready but this is long winded and straight from the BLM website in the quotes.

"We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities."

Guess what, it's Black Lives Matter and we respect all despite differences.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.

We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting."

Community is the central theme around BLM. A community of love and support relating to a struggle, systemic that a lot of people choose to ignore historically.

"We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.

We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world."

Its a collective movement and all Black (see how its capitalized) people should recognize their position in this world to come together for common decency.

"We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location."

Because there's enough studies and reports to say that we do matter and until Black lives matter, all lives can't matter.

"We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence."

Because sometimes its need to be clear that all are welcome.

"We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered."


"We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

OK, here's the actual context that you people are so hung up on. No mention of destruction. If you need some more clarity, its simple. If a person is unable to take care of their own, then they could lean to a neighbor or a cousin or a friend. As someone who comes from a nuclear family together approaching their 60th anniversary with aunts, uncles, cousins and friends whom we love and support equally, I can tell you that not only we support Black Lives Matter, but we fundamentally practice already so this is nothing new.

Some of you know me personally. I am not political. And you can talk to me about it (just wanna say to that 1 person, I respect you for reaching out the other day). But a lot of you continue to preach this narrative as opposed to looking at the facts. Nothing about destructing the nuclear family. I'm not sure where you see the abolition of private property rights. And people are up in arms about defunding the police versus defunding of education, for example.

Below is the mission statement so you can look for yourself. I come here to talk hoops but some of you make these threads unbearable (already started muting people) and act surprised everytime someone points that out. A lot of recruits are probably going to look at the Big East action as positive thing. A lot of recruits are Black. And just like I've shown you, Black Lives Matter. So do some left, right, moderate and actual source material research and then get back to me. Until then, Hazard Zet Forward.

Btw, if you are a Black recruit who randomly sees this, you're all welcome to come to this great school. If not SHU, the Big East clearly values you (but SHU is better). And if you're not Black, you will be welcomed by any Black, Latinx, White, and other person in this great community made up of so many different people.
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Well said, JR, but there’s more to the organization than the rhetoric of a mission statement. Look to its leaders and what they really stand for. Like we do with Trump. Dare to be different.

You’re a credit to Seton Hall and someone I’m proud to call friend (hopefully still) If I only knew your real first name, LOL.
Unfortunately, this was a business decision made by the BE. The Conference didn’t want to be perceived as not being woke as other conferences would use it as a wedge for recruiting purposes. It is an example of principal over principle.

‘Systemic racism exists in education such that inner city students have no choice; vouchers are anathema to teacher unions. Much more significantly, systematic racism is embodied in the scandalous and hugely disproportionate black abortion rate; in fact, more black babies are aborted in NYC than are born. Abortion mills are foisted upon and promoted within inner cities.

BLM patches do nothing other than virtue signal and pay obeisance to the woke crowd. As always, the real issues facing the black community are ignored by society and the media. Sad.

Well said. Nothing but window dressing.
Support black business and entrepreneurship, support black education, support the strengthening of black families, support prison reform because black lives count and matter just as much as mine...but I will never support a marxist organization that is run by 1960's white Marxists who use other humans as pawns in their game.

(Note: BLM has recently changed their website and scrubbed info off of it. I am not right wing nor a Trump supporter...i am a free thinker who researches everything on my own, and just call it the way it is)
True Blue made an interesting point on the number of black babies aborted.The left gold standard on abortion is Plan Parenthood who that great “catholic “ Nancy Pelosi pushes for more funding.As most of the posters know Plan Parenthood was founded with the expressed intention to limit the amount of black children born.The avowed racists founder made no secret of her intentions.Google it if you think I am wrong.


BIG EAST Approves Black Lives Matter Patch on Basketball Uniforms

Release courtesy of the BIG EAST Conference

In keeping with the BIG EAST Conference's commitment to lead, educate and inspire on racial and social justice issues, the Conference's eleven member schools have unanimously approved the display of Black Lives Matter (BLM) patches on their men's and women's basketball uniforms for the 2020-21 season.

The Conference also announced its support for the efforts of Coaches for Action (CFA), a coalition of 21 ethnic minority BIG EAST men's basketball assistant coaches formed to help raise awareness in the fight against racism and to develop a sustainable action plan to dismantle prejudice, discrimination and oppression in Black, Brown, Indigenous and minoritized communities.

"We are proud that all eleven of our schools support the effort to bring attention through BIG EAST basketball to the Black Lives Matter movement and its goal of a more racially just world," said BIG EAST Commissioner Val Ackerman. "We applaud the initiative and leadership of CFA and their efforts to shine a light on the challenges that our Black student-athletes, coaches and administrators face on a daily basis. We hope our BLM initiative, coupled with the BIG EAST's prominence and visibility, can help our country bridge its protracted racial divide and allow us, once and for all, to live up to our national ideals of equality for all."

A supplemental statement can be viewed HERE.

The BIG EAST has had a long history of strong Black representation among its basketball student-athletes, coaches and referees, led by former Georgetown head coach John Thompson, Jr., a Hall of Famer and one of college basketball's most prominent figures.

The BIG EAST recently announced a conference-wide partnership with RISE, a leading provider of educational programming that equips student-athletes and administrators to create positive change on matters of social justice and racial equality. RISE will also provide the BIG EAST with a non-partisan civic engagement curriculum designed to help student-athletes make an impact more broadly in their lives using the lens of sports.

The BIG EAST also recently established BE the Change, a conference-wide advocacy platform that enables student-athletes, coaches and administrators to engage in a wide range of racial and social justice issues. The platform includes Conversations for Change, an educational series that allows BIG EAST stakeholders to share perspectives about how race impacts their everyday experiences. BE the Change and the RISE partnership are outgrowths of the Conference's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group, which includes representation from all eleven schools and works to enhance DE&I efforts across all BIG EAST campuses.

The BIG EAST Conference is an association of 11 nationally prominent colleges and universities that foster healthy athletic competition, community service and the pursuit of excellence in academic environments. The athletic programs of BIG EAST institutions provide national-caliber participation opportunities for more than 4,100 student-athletes on over 200 men's and women's teams in 22 sports. Established in 1979 and headquartered in New York City, the BIG EAST's members are located in eight of the country's top 36 largest media markets and include Butler University, University of Connecticut, Creighton University, DePaul University, Georgetown University, Marquette University, Providence College, St. John's University, Seton Hall University, Villanova University and Xavier University. For more information, visit
Support black business and entrepreneurship, support black education, support the strengthening of black families, support prison reform because black lives count and matter just as much as mine...but I will never support a marxist organization that is run by 1960's white Marxists who use other humans as pawns in their game.


True Blue made an interesting point on the number of black babies aborted.The left gold standard on abortion is Plan Parenthood who that great “catholic “ Nancy Pelosi pushes for more funding.As most of the posters know Plan Parenthood was founded with the expressed intention to limit the amount of black children born.The avowed racists founder made no secret of her intentions.Google it if you think I am wrong.

Why don't you give the source?

Why don't you give the source?
Susan Rosenberg who is a convicted domestic terrorist and was pardoned by Bilp Clinton is head of their fundraising.

My source is right out of their own mouth and their former website. They've now taken that off of it.
Susan Rosenberg who is a convicted domestic terrorist and was pardoned by Bilp Clinton is head of their fundraising.

My source is right out of their own mouth and their former website. They've now taken that off of it.
Susan rosenberg served 16 years of a 58 year sentence and is associated with thousand currents a 501 c3 charity group that BLM has a fiscal sponsorship with

Yes she was a member of radical May 19th group from 70s and 80s and was jailed for arms and explosives possession
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Susan rosenberg served 16 years of a 58 year sentence and is associated with thousand currents a 501 c3 charity group that BLM has a fiscal sponsorship with

Yes she was a member of radical May 19th group from 70s and 80s and was jailed for arms and explosives possession
As someone who is Black acknowledging there are like 3 of us on these boards, im gonna say this right here and right now. You people saying that BLM is Marxist is nothing more than a right wing buzz term and utilizing the actions of few to justify your thoughts is no different than if I were to say a Trump supporter is probably racist (also, that's probably true whether they realize it or not. Also, read Trump supporter vs a Republican).

OK, now get ready but this is long winded and straight from the BLM website in the quotes.

"We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities."

Guess what, it's Black Lives Matter and we respect all despite differences.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.

We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting."

Community is the central theme around BLM. A community of love and support relating to a struggle, systemic that a lot of people choose to ignore historically.

"We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.

We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world."

Its a collective movement and all Black (see how its capitalized) people should recognize their position in this world to come together for common decency.

"We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location."

Because there's enough studies and reports to say that we do matter and until Black lives matter, all lives can't matter.

"We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence."

Because sometimes its need to be clear that all are welcome.

"We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered."


"We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

OK, here's the actual context that you people are so hung up on. No mention of destruction. If you need some more clarity, its simple. If a person is unable to take care of their own, then they could lean to a neighbor or a cousin or a friend. As someone who comes from a nuclear family together approaching their 60th anniversary with aunts, uncles, cousins and friends whom we love and support equally, I can tell you that not only we support Black Lives Matter, but we fundamentally practice already so this is nothing new.

Some of you know me personally. I am not political. And you can talk to me about it (just wanna say to that 1 person, I respect you for reaching out the other day). But a lot of you continue to preach this narrative as opposed to looking at the facts. Nothing about destructing the nuclear family. I'm not sure where you see the abolition of private property rights. And people are up in arms about defunding the police versus defunding of education, for example.

Below is the mission statement so you can look for yourself. I come here to talk hoops but some of you make these threads unbearable (already started muting people) and act surprised everytime someone points that out. A lot of recruits are probably going to look at the Big East action as positive thing. A lot of recruits are Black. And just like I've shown you, Black Lives Matter. So do some left, right, moderate and actual source material research and then get back to me. Until then, Hazard Zet Forward.

Btw, if you are a Black recruit who randomly sees this, you're all welcome to come to this great school. If not SHU, the Big East clearly values you (but SHU is better). And if you're not Black, you will be welcomed by any Black, Latinx, White, and other person in this great community made up of so many different people.

Thank you for taking the time to post that. Very few of us (because we’re not black) can truly speak with experience on this topic.
I commend you for putting forth an eloquent and focused argument/position.

i think you’re someone who realizes there are no “ absolutes” in this world. But at the end of the day, we ALL have to come together with mutual respect for one another, in order to make this world/country/personal experience a positive one.

Someone asked me last week if I had one wish for the world... what would it be.
I could have gone in many directions with this, I considered things like, end all wars, or end hunger, or end racism... but I came to one thing... that everyone would respect each other and treat everyone as they would want to be treated. I felt with that... we would resolve all those other issues

i think you are hitting on that same theme.

Let’s all be better to each other. A small goal... with huge outcomes
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Unfortunately, this was a business decision made by the BE. The Conference didn’t want to be perceived as not being woke as other conferences would use it as a wedge for recruiting purposes. It is an example of principal over principle.

‘Systemic racism exists in education such that inner city students have no choice; vouchers are anathema to teacher unions. Much more significantly, systematic racism is embodied in the scandalous and hugely disproportionate black abortion rate; in fact, more black babies are aborted in NYC than are born. Abortion mills are foisted upon and promoted within inner cities.

BLM patches do nothing other than virtue signal and pay obeisance to the woke crowd. As always, the real issues facing the black community are ignored by society and the media. Sad.

The same people with black lives matter signs on their lawns are against chartered schools in inner cities. The educational business makes google, amazon and apple look like chop liver. We’ve been failing for so long that people are afraid to succeed. Failure breeds contempt. Stop the madness and let’s give inner city kids a choice and a opportunity to succeed.
There is. Just lowercase the last two words and it no longer speaks of the organization, but of a truth.

"Black lives matter."

I know you know it and think it, but there are an awful lot of people - some here on this board, it seems - who use what they want to believe about the organization to avoid embracing the idea that Black lives do indeed matter. And that's a shame.
I couldn’t disagree with you more when you say an “awful amount of people” and unless you mean like 1 or 2 I disagree with your use of “some here”. Every person I know between the age of 25 and 65 wants change. They want police reform, better ways to distribute wealth other than just tax, compassion for all people, criminal justice reform that has unfairly targeted low level drug offenses, among other reasonable things
I couldn’t disagree with you more when you say an “awful amount of people” and unless you mean like 1 or 2 I disagree with your use of “some here”. Every person I know between the age of 25 and 65 wants change. They want police reform, better ways to distribute wealth other than just tax, compassion for all people, criminal justice reform that has unfairly targeted low level drug offenses, among other reasonable things
I don't mean there are "an awful amount" on this board, but in general. That's indisputable (I do not see that same goodwill you do in that age group, unfortunately). Here, I like to think they are small in number, but that number is not zero, I'm sorry to say.
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I don't mean there are "an awful amount" on this board, but in general. That's indisputable (I do not see that same goodwill you do in that age group, unfortunately). Here, I like to think they are small in number, but that number is not zero, I'm sorry to say.
I guess it's a matter as well as who you are exposed to in your daily life. So I'm at the high end of that age group and see a group that is giving their time and money, volunteering, at church, on non-profit boards, at the grass roots level setting up food banks, mental health outreach, etc. Where do you think that is coming from? There are several people on this board that I know personally that do a ton of that.

We all have our causes and areas where we choose to give our time. I was fortunate to participate in survey that was commissioned run by a local university that was meant to identify what the community felt were the biggest challenges and needed the highest priority to be addressed over the next 20 years. Police reform and didn't make even make the list. Not even 20 people showed up at the first BLM rally. So it may be an issue in Minneapolis or NYC, but not here to any material degree.
Thank you for taking the time to post that. Very few of us (because we’re not black) can truly speak with experience on this topic.
I commend you for putting forth an eloquent and focused argument/position.

i think you’re someone who realizes there are no “ absolutes” in this world. But at the end of the day, we ALL have to come together with mutual respect for one another, in order to make this world/country/personal experience a positive one.

Someone asked me last week if I had one wish for the world... what would it be.
I could have gone in many directions with this, I considered things like, end all wars, or end hunger, or end racism... but I came to one thing... that everyone would respect each other and treat everyone as they would want to be treated. I felt with that... we would resolve all those other issues

i think you are hitting on that same theme.

Let’s all be better to each other. A small goal... with huge outcomes

JRSlim says a Trump supporter is probably a racist. A nasty thought and a bit short of showing mutual respect for each other. The Left is fond of saying love trumps hate but they've shown nothing but hate for the last four years and the worst is yet to come. Leo Terrell has finally seen the light and Kim Klacik's spot on You Tube is a classic. Not everyone is as easily taken in as MLB, Goodyear, and the BE. Don't forget Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza when you talk of BLM's founders..
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JRSlim says a Trump supporter is probably a racist. A nasty thought and a bit short of showing mutual respect for each other. The Left is fond of saying love trumps hate but they've shown nothing but hate for the last four years and the worst is yet to come. Leo Terrell has finally seen the light and Kim Klacik's spot on You Tube is a classic. Not everyone is as easily taken in as MLB, Goodyear, and the BE. Don't forget Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza when you talk of BLM's founders..

I don't see a point. I don't see you bringing up 2 black people that don't speak for the majority either. You do seem offended by the Trump supporter comment though. That's a you problem.
For the record, im very anti-Trump who is not a good person with numerous public displays uncouth of the "leader of the free world," yet somehow he still has. I am, however, not anti Republican as I know numerous people who are with that party & I genuinely like them. I'm an Independent, btw
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I don't see a point. I don't see you bringing up 2 black people that don't speak for the majority either. You do seem offended by the Trump supporter comment though. That's a you problem.
For the record, im very anti-Trump who is not a good person with numerous public displays uncouth of the "leader of the free world," yet somehow he still has. I am, however, not anti Republican as I know numerous people who are with that party & I genuinely like them. I'm an Independent, btw
The same Donald Trump who said he sent 100s of his people to ground zero, the same Donald Trump who said he donated money to 9/11 fund.
The same Donald Trump who told Pete Rozelle he could sabatoge the USFL if he could get a majority controlling interest stake in an NFL team. The same Donald Trump who conned the other USFL owners into thinking there was TV money demand for the league as a fall schedule. The same Donald Trump who lied about the helicopter crash on the GSP that killed 3 people.
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The same Donald Trump who said he sent 100s of his people to ground zero, the same Donald Trump who said he donated money to 9/11 fund.
The same Donald Trump who told Pete Rozelle he could sabatoge the USFL if he could get a majority controlling interest stake in an NFL team. The same Donald Trump who conned the other USFL owners into thinking there was TV money demand for the league as a fall schedule. The same Donald Trump who lied about the helicopter crash on the GSP that killed 3 people.
How many "supporters" are there really of either Trump or Biden? Most of the electorate will vote for one or the other because of their party platform and choosing them rather than the other guy (hate the other). Supporter to me is someone who advocates for the person. We could probably have two chimps as Presidential candidates and 90% of the vote would align by party lines.

We should differentiate between what it means to vote for a candidate rather than what it means to support them.
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I don't mean there are "an awful amount" on this board, but in general. That's indisputable (I do not see that same goodwill you do in that age group, unfortunately). Here, I like to think they are small in number, but that number is not zero, I'm sorry to say.
Agree to disagree I guess and appreciate your thoughts. I’m sure we could all do more!
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