Some of that may be true, but she was still a markedly better choice than Trump. She was not (and will never be) a good choice. She was the better of two miserable choices. It was a ballot I wanted to light on fire and let burn while I smashed the ballot machine with a sledgehammer.
He was and is unfit for the office. His campaign marked a deep, new low in the history of Presidential elections. Nothing has ever come close. Lies? You really want to play that card? I really don't think you do. Scandals - check. (BTW, to out-scandal a Clinton is impressive.) No electoral experience - check. Divisive and racially charged rhetoric - check. Moronic rantings on Twitter - check. Insulting a war hero and a gold star mother - check. Non-conservative, populist platform - check. There's an appetizer. We can do a whole five course meal on this and we'll be eating the leftovers for weeks.
This post epitomizes the embarrassment of the GOP and tribalism run amok. Time to own your BS. It's you GOP. You're the worst right now. Don't rejoice Dems. You don't win a prize. You simply hold the title of least awful of two rudderless, dysfunctional parties at the moment. That is not compliment. And if you're not paying attention, you're going to make the same mistakes. Remember the Tea Party movement? What began in earnest, turned really loud, stupid, and destructive in a flash. Here's your seminal moment, don't mess it up by letting the wackos drag you toward the extreme.
What low do we have to hit before the still too many on the right drop the sycophantic rationalization of a disaster President? How many more lies does he have to tell? How much more corruption? How many more investigations? How many more foreign policy blunders (many of which directly help...Putin
)? Nothing to see though. Sweep, sweep under the carpet... Deflect, blame elsewhere, rationalize, bury head in the sand, rinse, repeat.
What is it going to take? The GOP getting wiped out in 2020? Maybe it is time to conjure up a shred of integrity and decency instead. It's you, GOP. Own it and then fix it.