Pirate Blue makes the assumption that alumni and others donate because they care about the overall student athlete experience at SHU. Pirate Blue figures that the TRUE alumni supporter really cares about the university. Apparently you are not one of them.Ha ha donor day what a joke what do they take us for
Good point about donating now and earmarking it. Boycotting beef steak definetly sends a clearer message.
I voiced my opinion to Pat Lyons and Hank d'Allesandro directly. I went out of my way last year to cover 7 states ( with my employees) and this year , i am not giving. I will give to SHU Accounting program, so the school still has my support, but the train wreck that is our flagship program has soured me on Pirate Blue for the year.I believe a change is eneded in our men's teams,a nd am voicing my opinion the best way i know, which is with my checkbook.Come by Walsh & meet and greet KW! Nah, I'll pass this year. Maybe my fellow alum from Las Vegas (Paul) will come through.
I voiced my opinion to Pat Lyons and Hank d'Allesandro directly. I went out of my way last year to cover 7 states ( with my employees) and this year , i am not giving. I will give to SHU Accounting program, so the school still has my support, but the train wreck that is our flagship program has soured me on Pirate Blue for the year.I believe a change is eneded in our men's teams,a nd am voicing my opinion the best way i know, which is with my checkbook.
I understand he was practicing his hot dog eating skills....Please correct me if I'm wrong, but on the live program there were coaches and players from almost every sport supporting the cause. There was one exception- men's basketball. Why?
I saw Willard in the rec center yesterday, as well as a few players. But there are fundraisers all the time for men's basketball and I think it's nice to let the other sports take the spotlight during this big drive. If Willard did go on camera, people on here would be ripping him for something. With how the season ended and the Gibbs news dropping earlier this week, there was no real benefit in putting Willard on camera. While I was in and around Walsh, I saw interviews with a golfer (can't remember her name, it was probably Ali Kruse), the Manthorpe twins, and Tony Bozzella, so they highlighted the three best programs this year, which is the way it should be.Please correct me if I'm wrong, but on the live program there were coaches and players from almost every sport supporting the cause. There was one exception- men's basketball. Why?
Not having this sites contest and wholehearted support of its posters obviously had an affect. Thank you KW!It looks like they raised about $175K, down a bit from last year's number of $193K