Can anyone explain

how this is considered racist? I'm so sick of this nonsense.

It's the cool thing to do these days. Wouldn't know who Marcus Stroman was otherwise.

It's all white noise, but that term probably demonstrates my privilege lol
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Stroman is a dickhead, always has been. MLB & NBA are bleeding fans, people are so sick of primadonna players.
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It's the cool thing to do these days. Wouldn't know who Marcus Stroman was otherwise.

It's all white noise, but that term probably demonstrates my privilege lol
Duke grad, first round pick, dad a cop
Still no explanation from anyone as to why or how this is racist. Nobody can take a joke or any kind of humor in America anymore.
White men particularly are becoming the protected class by numbers ( more women in colkege and medical alone outnumber white men when you count blacks,Hispanics,Asians etc,) White men the next protected class no way in the foreseeable future , to give preferential treatment you need a group that you deserve preference from.We have had a black President and VP and yet we remain a systematic racist country according to President Biden who has a checkered past on racism and the party of slavery the Dems.I can’t understand why so many migrants want to come here if we are so bad.And the Muslim district that Rep Omar represents wonders why some people feel that being a Muslim is the most important thing even if you live in America otherwise why do they roundly vote for this blatant Anti -Semite who constantly trashes America Hate outflanks love in some quarters.
There shouldn't be any "protected classes." Everyone should be treated equally.

All of these "protected classes" and/or "special interest groups" do is further divide the Divided States of America.
I think the former takes things too far but we are in inching there and I understand your point

On another “humorous” topic, but equally “hot”....CNN currently blasting Capitol Police for inadequate resources, and pleading to get approval for another tax-payor funded and “independent report” to get more details ...can’t make the squad and other liberals happy
There shouldn't be any "protected classes." Everyone should be treated equally.

All of these "protected classes" and/or "special interest groups" do is further divide the Divided States of America.
Preaching to the converted, but "equally" or "equality" is no longer even the favored buzzword. Now it is "equity". I've had to sit through virtual seminars on this the past year. It has become a cottage industry for those on the speaking circuit to make $ presenting to businesses on this stuff. I always ask the question why we have moved from the "equality" or the "equal" standard, i.e., treating people the same and rewarding people based solely on the merits, as opposed to other factors. I never get an answer that really makes sense, except that it seems "equity" is rooted in the outcomes, not necessarily having the same opportunity per se for all. So, as a generalized example, if you have a HS in NYC that has admission-based standards that are offered to and administered the same regardless of race, gender or background, and the result of that criteria is that for every 10 admissions, 5 are Asian, 4 are White, and 1 is Latino or African American, there is apparently a problem that "equity" is designed to fix.

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