Charlie Rose, Les Moonves, Don Hewitt, Jeff Feger, and now Michael Weatherly. Anybody keeping track of the tens of millions of dollars they have paid out in settlements? How bad must Moonves had to have been to lose his $120M in severance? Answer: Incredibly, ridiculously bad.
Now ratings have been so bad on the morning show since Rose was shot, that they are blowing it all up and starting from scratch. Poor John Dickerson; I actually like him and think he does a decent job. Good to see Nora O’Donnell and Gail King are getting shit-canned though. They should promote Jerricka Duncan, since she has been the only one that has a spine in their news division.
Now ratings have been so bad on the morning show since Rose was shot, that they are blowing it all up and starting from scratch. Poor John Dickerson; I actually like him and think he does a decent job. Good to see Nora O’Donnell and Gail King are getting shit-canned though. They should promote Jerricka Duncan, since she has been the only one that has a spine in their news division.