Christie sinking the ARC


All Universe
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001
The press has been critical of Christie cancelling the ARC, but I support his decision because a) We don't have the money and b) why does NJ have pay part of the bill when NY doesn't? So Ray Lahood throws a tantrum because he didn't get his way...big deal. The way it's being reported that he is single-handedly killing the project is misleading as well. The Federal Government, Port Authority and State of New York can all step up and cover the increased costs and expected over-runs, but outside of a few bucks Lahood found, everyone is pretty silent.
This post was edited on 10/29 9:09 AM by HALL85
good job by the Gov killing this project.

Rail infrastructure in this country and particularly this region is terrible, and while an extra tunnel would help marginally, its no rememdy for the rest of the northeast corridor issues.
Not to mentiont the growing trend for businesses to move out of the city to NJ and also for folks to telecommute. There is lots of vacant office space around the country as so many folks are working from home now. Long-term I'm not sold that this tunnel project was needed.
The office buildings are not vacant due to telecommuting,there are simply fewer people working.
I don't know G. I consult with a few huge companies in NYC and they are encouraging folks in various depts to work from home and and providing more and more technology to back that up. I agree with you fewer folks are working but also proves the point on why we can't build this tunnel at this time. I think Christie would have gone ahead if other folks stepped up and took responsibility for future over runs but it did not happen. Keeping a close to bankrupt NJ on the hook for the over runs was not a healthy idea for the future and the future tax revenues from constructions workers on the project were a pittance so no go.

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