Coach Oliver to LIU?


All American
Jan 24, 2009
There's a Twitter report saying that SHU women's assistant Stephanie Oliver is leaving to become HC at LIU Brooklyn.

If true you have to say congratulations to the coach on becoming a D1 HC.

It's too bad Bozzella is losing his top assistant after just two seasons. Could SHU have made her an offer? On the other hand, people want to advance in their careers. It's a good sign when your assistant coaches get hired to lead a D1 team. It means that coach is part of a winning team.

I wonder who moves up and who gets hired?
Not her first head coaching job as she spent 3 years as the head coach at the University of Bridgeport. You always like to see assistants move on to head coaching positions and I wish her success in her new position. Will be curious to see if Tony brings in another assistant with head coaching experience .
We will miss Stephanie very much, as we have gotten to know her personally, but we are proud of her and are very excited to see her step up in the ranks.
We will miss Stephanie very much, as we have gotten to know her personally, but we are proud of her and are very excited to see her step up in the ranks.


I heard rumors on Thursday. She is a great get for LIU. We will miss her at our table at the Beefsteak Dinner in the fall.
regulars like you should seriously consider not going to the dinner. an empty dinner would send the message loud & clear.
BS- I don't understand why you don't want buzzershot to go to the dinner to support the women's basketball team. The.women had a great season and should be wholeheartedly supported. So they should attend to thank them for a great season and show their continuing support. # whynotsetonhall
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regulars like you should seriously consider not going to the dinner. an empty dinner would send the message loud & clear.
So you are encouraging devoted fans like buzzershot not to go to the Beefsteak to honor Coach Bozzella and the women's team after a tremendous season? What's the message there exactly? That a regular season championship, a trip to the NCAA's, Coach of the Year honors and the best season in 20 years still isn't quite enough? Bobbie, maybe it's time for you to go cheer for someone else!

Let's try and remember that the Beefsteak is a kickoff for both the men's AND women's teams. How about we all go and save our loudest cheers for those that deserve them, namely Coach Bozzella and the ladies. Not saying we should not cheer for the guys as well as players like Delgado deserve the cheers. However, to disrespect the ladies team because the men's team totally $hit the bed is inexcusable! I really don't understand the thinking of some people on this board.
From Coach Oliver: " None of this would have been possible if we weren't able to do so well at Seton Hall. I am very blessed for the opportunity Tony and the Hall gave to me! "

She is a classy gal and I think the first from Coach Bozzella's "coaching tree". There will be more in the years ahead.

Keep your eye on the LIU Blackbirds Stephanie will get it done there. . .
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uh yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. the mess with the men is much more important and an opportunity to send a message from it's most diehard and recognizable fans & donors should not be wasted. Clearly you don't feel the same, but you can't possibly fathom where I'm coming from? Nah, of course you can. But just keep being a homer, that's worked out so well so far with Willard.
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uh yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. the mess with the men is much more important and an opportunity to send a message from it's most diehard and recognizable fans & donors should not be wasted. Clearly you don't feel the same, but you can't possibly fathom where I'm coming from? Nah, of course you can. But just keep being a homer, that's worked out so well so far with Willard.
No, I can't fathom where you are coming from. The Beefsteak celebrates the start of basketball season for both teams, not just one. Did you go to the dinner when the guys looked like they were making progress but the girls team wasn't? You need to realize that the athletic department is more than one team. Want to send a message? Send your Pirate Blue donation in and designate it for a team other than men's basketball (apparently the only team you think exists and is worth supporting). Maybe designate your money towards the women's basketball team, women's golf or women's volleyball. All three, despite not being the men's basketball team, made the NCAA's, appeared in the conference tournament championship final (golf won their title), and all have reigning Big East Coach's of the Year and one won the regular season title (basketball). Cancel your men's basketball season tickets (if you even possess such) and buy season tickets for women's basketball and attend free games for volleyball and go watch some golf.

Your attitude seems to be to punish the winners because one team did not enjoy the same level of success as they did. You do realize you can attend the Beefsteak and cheer wildly for the ladies while sitting as quite as a church mouse for the men, don't you? That sends a message as well. But you can't possibly fathom that can you?
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uh yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. the mess with the men is much more important and an opportunity to send a message from it's most diehard and recognizable fans & donors should not be wasted. Clearly you don't feel the same, but you can't possibly fathom where I'm coming from? Nah, of course you can. But just keep being a homer, that's worked out so well so far with Willard.
Solo you are reading me wrong. We have been season ticket holders for 43 years. We have seen the good...bad...and the ugly with both MBB and WBB teams. Yes I am a recognizable fan. Am I happy with the MBB situation...NO. But not recognizing the heights the women have gone to is WRONG. I have let my feelings be heard many times to the administrators but when they are doing something RIGHT with WBB they should be applauded!
uh yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. the mess with the men is much more important and an opportunity to send a message from it's most diehard and recognizable fans & donors should not be wasted. Clearly you don't feel the same, but you can't possibly fathom where I'm coming from? Nah, of course you can. But just keep being a homer, that's worked out so well so far with Willard.
No, I can't fathom where you are coming from. The Beefsteak celebrates the start of basketball season for both teams, not just one. Did you go to the dinner when the guys looked like they were making progress but the girls team wasn't? You need to realize that the athletic department is more than one team. Want to send a message? Send your Pirate Blue donation in and designate it for a team other than men's basketball (apparently the only team you think exists and is worth supporting). Maybe designate your money towards the women's basketball team, women's golf or women's volleyball. All three, despite not being the men's basketball team, made the NCAA's, appeared in the conference tournament championship final (golf won their title), and all have reigning Big East Coach's of the Year and one won the regular season title (basketball). Cancel your men's basketball season tickets (if you even possess such) and buy season tickets for women's basketball and attend free games for volleyball and go watch some golf.

Your attitude seems to be to punish the winners because one team did not enjoy the same level of success as they did. You do realize you can attend the Beefsteak and cheer wildly for the ladies while sitting as quite as a church mouse for the men, don't you? That sends a message as well. But you can't possibly fathom that can you?
SHUis NJsTeam- Well put and stated.
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Solo you are reading me wrong. We have been season ticket holders for 43 years. We have seen the good...bad...and the ugly with both MBB and WBB teams. Yes I am a recognizable fan. Am I happy with the MBB situation...NO. But not recognizing the heights the women have gone to is WRONG. I have let my feelings be heard many times to the administrators but when they are doing something RIGHT with WBB they should be applauded!

Well said and I see your point. All I'm saying is that an empty, or half empty, dinner with some of it's most important supporters absent would speak much louder than the polite, separate criticisms from supporters right after the season ends. For the place to be empty 6 months after the fact shows that people are serious about needing that clown fired.
Well said and I see your point. All I'm saying is that an empty, or half empty, dinner with some of it's most important supporters absent would speak much louder than the polite, separate criticisms from supporters right after the season ends. For the place to be empty 6 months after the fact shows that people are serious about needing that clown fired.
If the Beefsteak was only for the men's team you might have a better argument but since it's not, you don't! The dinner should be packed and loud for the ladies for all they have accomplished and how far they've come in two short years.
does willard speak at these things?

Yes - he has - opened his mouth - and words come out. It has always been either inconsequential fluff, insulting rants at supporters sitting right there, or incomprehensible mumbling.

I am with Buzzershot about supporting WBB to the max - but I do not know whether I can stomach being in the presence of KW. I would like to see him "unable to attend because of recruiting on the road" - in Lower Cheroot, Iowa.
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Willard speaks. Lot of cutesy kid stuff wisecracks. Never a word about how he has disappointed the faithful.

At $1.4 million a year, you'd think he would at least feign humility .

No Beefsteak for me. Nor men's season tickets. First Beefsteak miss ever.

Lots of women's games though.
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Willard speaks. Lot of cutesy kid stuff wisecracks. Never a word about how he has disappointed the faithful.

At $1.4 million a year, you'd think he would at least feign humility .

No Beefsteak for me. Nor men's season tickets. First Beefsteak miss ever.

Lots of women's games though.
So someone who professes to support the women's team will forego the opportunity to show that support for the women's team at the Beefsteak because the men's team will also be in attendance? Brilliant! Give up your men's season tickets, I don't care. It's sad though that some on this board will disrespect the women's team because of their disappointment in the men's team.

Did you ever think that maybe you could go to the dinner, listen to Coach Bozzella and cheer for the women's team but then when Coach Willard gets up to speak maybe you could step out and go to the bathroom? I just do not understand the logic of some of you. Maybe you and Bobbie can carpool to support another school.
The dinner should be packed and loud for the ladies for all they have accomplished and how far they've come in two short years.

Yup, moving to a very low mid-major conference (actually very close to low major) plus the energy, enthusiasm, and coaching of Coach Bozella did wonders for the program. (This is definitely too negative for this thread but it's also reality.)
She is a classy gal and I think the first from Coach Bozzella's "coaching tree". There will be more in the years ahead.

Just how is this from Coach Bozzella's "coaching tree" when she was a head coach before ever coaching with Bozella????
So someone who professes to support the women's team will forego the opportunity to show that support for the women's team at the Beefsteak because the men's team will also be in attendance? Brilliant! Give up your men's season tickets, I don't care. It's sad though that some on this board will disrespect the women's team because of their disappointment in the men's team.

Did you ever think that maybe you could go to the dinner, listen to Coach Bozzella and cheer for the women's team but then when Coach Willard gets up to speak maybe you could step out and go to the bathroom? I just do not understand the logic of some of you. Maybe you and Bobbie can carpool to support another school.
Agree with this wholeheartedly. Excused myself when Fred Hill spoke at Booster Club dinner for the same reason. I woul suggest we turn our backs n cover our ears as well as hold onto our wallets when Kevin Willard speaks
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Im sure 95% of the people that go to the beefsteak go because of the mens basketball team. It's a mbb event. I understand we should support the wbb team, but I think it's fine if someone chooses not spend the money, time, and effort on this. Unfortunate as it is, this is what happens since wbb is forever a tag along.

But I like the idea of an overly exaggerated applause for tony followed by an awkward silence for little willy
Time to distinguish between women's hoops, tennis, softball, golf, ping pong, volleyball, and whatever sport that Lyons has improved, and the MBB program. The only program that matters in the grand scheme of things, and it's getting tiresome hearing about how the others are any factor in the financial and reputational bottom line for SHU, is MBB.
1. You guys do what you think is right. In my view the way to support Tony is to go to the games. At last year's Beefsteak both coaches did not give big speeches but were interviewed together if I recall. It's just not for me anymore.

2.But I will use the 80 bucks to buy womens BB tickets for me and my grandsons throughout the season. And privately support the women's team and other women's sports in other ways. Others may not agree but I think our women's teams , though not as widely followed, have a better chance of enhancing the University's reputation than the men's teams do.

3. About Stephanie being part of Bozzella's coaching tree. I know she was a head coach before but I'd like to think she really learned the ropes of a major program at Seton Hall under Tony. If you don't think she's technically part of his " tree, " fine. I just thought it was a nice thing to say.
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Look at it like this....if coach Oliver and SHU didn't enjoy the successful Renaissance under Tony Bozzella the last two years does anyone believe she would have been offered the LIU job?
It's always good to hear suggestions from bob solo on etiquette, posting rules, and now what SHU events you should and should not attend. Someone replied and actually suggested he put his money to other programs -- as if there was ever a check forthcoming! High comedy on a Monday morning.

I actually agree with the athelete on his post -- pack the place, and no one should hear a pin drop when Willard takes the podium. Everyone should have a copy of The Setonian to hold up.
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wow what a monday morning indeed!

something tells me he'll go up to the podium and hear rousing applause anyway. like he'll actually wait for the applause in his head to stop before he starts his speech.
JCalz. That will be interesting to see. Lauren DeFalco seems to be Tony's right hand courtside. He will replace Stephanie with someone who has complementary skills to his current staff. And as always, he will listen to them all.