#2 I'm not sure how it can be constitutional as it removes state rights to create their own regulations.
That will be a 10th Amendment argument.
Any opinions on this bill passing through the house yesterday?
Really don't like the idea at all #1
This is obviously a heated (no pun intended) topic. It is a wide topic as well.
One dimensional of this is the recreational gun owner and enthusiast. I do not consider myself avid, but I have shot competitive rifle in high school and college, handled all kinds of weapons in the Army, and now do some clays and indoor range.
I have a concealed carry permit because it adds a great convenience when transporting weapons. I don't have to worry about separating ammunition and weapon. Without the permit, if I make a mistake and have some ammo and a gun in the passenger compartment, I can go to jail.
I live in PA and my gun range is on the PA/NJ border. Right now if I went to the range and wanted to scoot over to NJ for whatever reason, I gotta be real sure I do it the right way.
I'd like to see the CC permit broken out with a separate "Transport Permit" to handle the things I mentioned above.
I favor having deeper restrictions on the actual concealed carry part of the permit. Anyone who owns guns responsibly understands the training and practice you need to undertake to do it right.
In my county, getting a concealed carry permit is a matter of paying $20 to the Sherriff's Office. They do not require any training. Zip. Nada. That is a bit nuts in my mind. Remember, Plaxico. A true idiot. There is carrying. There is carrying with the clip in. And then there is carrying with the clip in and one in the chamber. If you do that you better know what your are doing.
The idea of people being allowed to carry with one in the chamber and having zero training is scary.
Other scenarios include such things as traveling to Maine to go hunting. If I pass through NJ, NY, MA, and NH to do so, do I risk going to jail? It is not uncommon for a hunter to carry a side arm for protection.
I realize there is a whole other argument regarding criminals and crazies carrying concealed. Perhaps we can cover that in another post.