Congrats to Jerry C and his lovely wife


Jan 1, 2003
Jerry celebrated his 30th anniversary recently.

He posted this on Facebook.

To celebrate 30 years as a couple, Diana and I took the kids to Ocean City. During our first summer together, Di wanted to ride the giant Ferris wheel at Gillian's Wonderland, and I did it without telling her that I was terrified of heights. (I guess love conquers all?)

Sufficiently traumatized, and having successfully wooed the girl, I refused to ride it every subsequent summer -- until this weekend.

With Gillian's closing for good this fall, I decided it was time to close the loop. It was not easy, but to quote Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

There was one more shot at this, kids included this time, and I did not want to miss it.
Jerry celebrated his 30th anniversary recently.

He posted this on Facebook.

To celebrate 30 years as a couple, Diana and I took the kids to Ocean City. During our first summer together, Di wanted to ride the giant Ferris wheel at Gillian's Wonderland, and I did it without telling her that I was terrified of heights. (I guess love conquers all?)

Sufficiently traumatized, and having successfully wooed the girl, I refused to ride it every subsequent summer -- until this weekend.

With Gillian's closing for good this fall, I decided it was time to close the loop. It was not easy, but to quote Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

There was one more shot at this, kids included this time, and I did not want to miss it.
Congratulations Jerry, and that story is awesome! Well done!

To think...he still has sweaty palms over the same girl 30 years later! (then again...could have been the heights!)

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