Are you doing it through the hospital or health department?Trying to sign up a 91 year old grandfather and having no luck in Hunterdon County
same experience with my parents. seems like it would be pretty easy to organize who gets it.My niece was in the Livingston mall and they said they had extra vaccines left. She went online and signed up and got an appointment the next day. She is 30 years old and is a teacher. My 91 year old mother in law signed up a while ago and still has not heard back and lives 5 minutes away from the same mall. Go figure. Government at work.
Health DeptAre you doing it through the hospital or health department?
I would suggest if you are in that elderly segment, I would sign up and then call your physician (they should be advocating for you). Go into CVS or Walgreens as they are supposed to be vaccinating nursing home patients, but may be able to provide direction since you are elderly. If that doesn't work, contact the AARP....they should also be advocating and assisting. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you just register and expect the government to figure it out, good luck. (And I will repeat my drum beat slogan...."And you want the government to run healthcare".)
Ok thanks. Some Health departments have been excellent, others not. Try those options I mentioned earlier.Health Dept
I know of someone similar in their 30s, no health issues, filled out form and was given appointment. Only catch was it was southwestern NJ, and she lives in Essex County.Its basically impossible to get an appointment. I know of young people in their 30s getting the vaccine without meeting the conditions but elderly I know cannot get a vaccine, terrible rollout.
Seems Essex County is doing a better job with this than the rest of the state, they have 5 county run vaccination centers setup, and depending what city you live in you are directed to the specific location once you secure an Never let an opportunity to criticize government run healthcare go to waste. No one is pushing for government run healthcare.
That said, my parents are both scheduled to receive their first dose on Wednesday at Livingston Mall. They had pre-registered, and then scheduled the day 65+ became eligible through the county's site.
Actually, I think whether it was Trump or Biden, 100 million doses in 100 days from now will be more of a challenge than you think. There will be a bell curve in demand.Interesting some register and schedule.I registered and got the you are registered and we will let you know routine.My brother just showed at one site and they gave it to him and his wife.Confirms government has difficulty organizing any large endeavor.We are now doing a million a day and Biden says his objective is to give 100 million doses in 100 days.Will someone please tell him we are there already under the dismal Trump program he derides.Joe I know you are not the brightest bulb ,but your staff has to a better job not letting you appear clueless.
Actually, I think whether it was Trump or Biden, 100 million doses in 100 days from now will be more of a challenge than you think. There will be a bell curve in demand.
Of 330 million Americans, 80 million are under the age of 20, a population not currently being vaccinated. There are another 45 million Americans in their 20s, a population not racing out to get vaccinated. By the way, 24 million people have tested positive and may not be racing to a vaccine.
So that means you're looking at vaccinating roughly half of the remaining population in 100 days. Going by some of the front-line worker statistics that Hall85 noted, the millions of people who think this virus isn't really even a thing, anti-vax people, and logistics of vaccination outside of major population areas, I think the daily number increases and then drops.
Further, I think we fail to vaccinate 100 million people in 100 days. Not because the failure of OWS, or failure for federal government to get it to states, or failure of states to get it in arms... just because people are stupid.
It’s true some areas are easier than others to get appointments. No matter your party affiliation, federal (repub) NJ state (dem) roll out has been bad. 91 year old should be first line with front line medical workers. Opening it up to smokers and someone with mild hypertension, 65 year old over a 91 year old? Craziness to me.
We tried bucks county in PA (just over the border) but I think you need to be a resident. Somerset county is the same. Tried all the phone numbers and links in two NJ counties and Bucks county PA so far, no luck yet.
Should have been 65+ before younger people with health issues and smokers. 80% of deaths in NJ are people over 65, just an epic fail by NJ in my opinion to open to so many people so soon.I get that smokers are a high comorbidity, but putting them at the front of the line when that is has a lack personal accountability issue doesn't make sense vs. someone who might need the vaccine just as bad and has a genetic predisposition.
Should have been 65+ before younger people with health issues and smokers. 80% of deaths in NJ are people over 65, just an epic fail by NJ in my opinion to open to so many people so soon.
No, you do not have to prove any claimed health issue.I have no problem with smokers going early, only 14% of the population of NJ. And the biggest bang for the buck. Question is, do they ask you to light one up to prove it? I agree about opening it up too soon. My parents are over 75 and were damned lucky to scramble and get appointments in Newark. A little more time should have passed before opening it to 65+.
Classic Murphy, though, killed almost 7K of the elderly to start it off, then gives them inadequate opportunity to get vaccinated.
Union CountyMy wife & I signed up on the State of NJ Web site. Are there any other places to sign up that may be better. Does anyone know where to sign up for Union County and where the Vaccination centers might be in Union County?
Tom K
@SnakeTom you might be better off taking the ride into Newark. Check the Essex County sites. All the retail pharmacies are overwhelmed and talking March, at the earliest. The Newark site down by St. Benedicts was where my parents very quickly got an appointment. I will try to find the information for you. Plus, you can do take out at Don Pepe's on the way back to 22/78.My wife & I signed up on the State of NJ Web site. Are there any other places to sign up that may be better. Does anyone know where to sign up for Union County and where the Vaccination centers might be in Union County?
Tom K