DC Protests


All World
Jan 10, 2013
Fake News, brain trust said this would never happen if Biden won ;)

Um, to be fair to the looters and rioters of the BLM and antifa movements, this too is also no longer a protest.
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Bunch of idiots. A young man I know is a Capital policeman. Hoping he and his officers are all OK during this embarrassing episode.
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Um, to be fair to the looters and rioters of the BLM and antifa movements, this too is also no longer a protest.
not even 10 mins before bringing up the "other side", so surprising. now all these reps/trumpers refuse to realize its the same sh*t. will it be time to get off the high horse? never.

im assuming there will be a few comments stating "its embarrassing" and then crickets for the rest of the time. wont drone on and on about it.

this is trumps world
not even 10 mins before bringing up the "other side", so surprising. now all these reps/trumpers refuse to realize its the same sh*t. will it be time to get off the high horse? never.

im assuming there will be a few comments stating "its embarrassing" and then crickets for the rest of the time. wont drone on and on about it.

this is trumps world
Stop with the silliness. This is not Trumps world but rather the world we live in. For some reason do you think these riots just started in the last four years?

Anybody who riots or protests violently deserves the harshest response from their actions.
Stop with the silliness. This is not Trumps world but rather the world we live in. For some reason do you think these riots just started in the last four years?

Anybody who riots or protests violently deserves the harshest response from their actions.
A shame that protesting has a negative connotation to many here. Protesting on its organic premise is not evil.
A shame that protesting has a negative connotation to many here. Protesting on its organic premise is not evil.
Reading comprehension was never your strength. I specifically said violent protesting. You’re OK with that?
not even 10 mins before bringing up the "other side", so surprising. now all these reps/trumpers refuse to realize its the same sh*t. will it be time to get off the high horse? never.

im assuming there will be a few comments stating "its embarrassing" and then crickets for the rest of the time. wont drone on and on about it.

this is trumps world

Well they are the same.

And this whole denigrating "whataboutism" is just another away of saying it's OK when your side does something but not when the other side does the same thing. Chastising all sides for disgraceful actions, what a concept many here can't bring themselves to do. It's weak and embarrassing.

And **** Trump. And Trump sycophants. And Biden. And Pelosi. And McConnell. And Schumer. And antifa. And BLM the organization. And on and on and on............... All are a cancer on America.
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This is not Trumps world but rather the world we live in. For some reason do you think these riots just started in the last four years?

While riots, unacceptable as they are do occur under any president, I have never seen anything like what we are witnessing right now honestly.
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Stop with the silliness. This is not Trumps world but rather the world we live in. For some reason do you think these riots just started in the last four years?

Anybody who riots or protests violently deserves the harshest response from their actions.
The president has been inciting this for years. The president is at the head of this protest but he will golf while they get arrested.
And this whole denigrating "whataboutism" is just another away of saying it's OK when your side does something but not when the other side does the same thing. Chastising all sides for disgraceful actions, what a concept many here can't bring themselves to do. It's weak and embarrassing.

Your missing the context that people here were calling out the left for riots (rightfully so in most cases) but also saying that the right wouldn't do anything like this, and were very forgiving of the president's rhetoric that caused this.
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Your missing the context that people here were calling out the left for riots (rightfully so in most cases) but also saying that the right wouldn't do anything like this, and were very forgiving of the president's rhetoric that caused this.

1) What do I give a shit about that for, I don't think I ever said that? Don't lump me in with some of the others here.

1) That's really something entirely different than "whataboutism". (You and your stupid "context" again, LOL!)
trump just spent 5 minutes on video telling his followers to go home... oh wait he spent 10 seconds on that and the remaining time doubling down on how the "election was stolen and it was a landslide victory for him"

look at the president right now, look at the capitol building.... how are there not more posts on this? maybe its too embarrassing to say you voted for him? idk
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trump just spent 5 minutes on video telling his followers to go home... oh wait he spent 10 seconds on that and the remaining time doubling down on how the "election was stolen and it was a landslide victory for him"

look at the president right now, look at the capitol building.... how are there not more posts on this? maybe its too embarrassing to say you voted for him? idk
I didn't vote for him either time, and will admit I'm surprised by this. It's been relatively quiet since November, and I thought we had escaped the worst of it. Trump NO QUESTION incited this since then, suggesting that the fix was in. Doesn't change the fact that had Trump won in November, the world would have been on fire, not just a few hundred hillbillys marching on the Capitol. They certainly deserve the same as their (much more numerous) counterparts who spent most of the summer and fall burning cities: to be put down swiftly and with whatever force is deemed necessary.
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Didn't Trump just say he loved the mob and the "are special people"?
Your missing the context that people here were calling out the left for riots (rightfully so in most cases) but also saying that the right wouldn't do anything like this, and were very forgiving of the president's rhetoric that caused this.
You’re missing context as well. I’m not going to debate it because I don’t care and I, like the LITERALLY other 74M+ trump voters, hope that these people are held accountable. The far left and far right need to be shut up. Who will stand up? When you respond can you remind people of your auditing brilliance?
You’re missing context as well. I’m not going to debate it because I don’t care and I, like the LITERALLY other 74M+ trump voters, hope that these people are held accountable. The far left and far right need to be shut up. Who will stand up? When you respond can you remind people of your auditing brilliance?

I applaud the effort, but you were wrong. You said we wouldn't see things like what we saw today. Not that it would only be thousands of people. You said it wouldn't happen.

And sure, I have audited your post when you said we wouldn't see things like this and found that your post was materially misstated.
I applaud the effort, but you were wrong. You said we wouldn't see things like what we saw today. Not that it would only be thousands of people. You said it wouldn't happen.

And sure, I have audited your post when you said we wouldn't see things like this and found that your post was materially misstated.
I was wrong
I applaud the effort, but you were wrong. You said we wouldn't see things like what we saw today. Not that it would only be thousands of people. You said it wouldn't happen.

And sure, I have audited your post when you said we wouldn't see things like this and found that your post was materially misstated.
My prediction was wrong because I suggested nobody would do anything. A small amount of Trump supporters proved me wrong. My point about you missing context: You wont acknowledge the difference in responses to similar events. You have a very narrow view but I respect it. I don’t get upset about being portrayed as wrong. Will these riots continue?
You wont acknowledge the difference in responses to similar events.

Of course I would, and have here in discussions over the last couple decades talking to people on these boards. I even said here there would have been more riots if Trump won than Biden but thought there was potential for unrest on both sides.

Will the riots continue? I don't know. That depends on the circumstances ahead of us. If Trump throws more gasoline on the fire, I expect we will see more. If he doesn't, then hopefully not.

I'm honestly not sure how the qanon true believer types will respond as they realize everything they believed the last 4 years was BS.
Of course I would, and have here in discussions over the last couple decades talking to people on these boards. I even said here there would have been more riots if Trump won than Biden but thought there was potential for unrest on both sides.
Lost when one reads your response which partially deleted my post is the point that every pro trump person here completely and unequivocally denounced what happened today including me who admittedly had a wrong prediction in your eyes. Glad we can agree it’s sad, terrible reaction by people who have built up to this point since anti trump started in 2016; I think that point is lost on some. It’s not wide spread Trump love or hundreds of thousands of pro trump people behind what happened today and not a single lawmaker is condoning it to my knowledge. At least we can also agree that we’re sad the Pirates got smoked today?
Lost when one reads your response which partially deleted my post is the point that every pro trump person here completely and unequivocally denounced what happened today including me who admittedly had a wrong prediction in your eyes. Glad we can agree it’s sad, terrible reaction by people who have built up to this point since anti trump started in 2016; I think that point is lost on some. It’s not wide spread Trump love or hundreds of thousands of pro trump people behind what happened today and not a single lawmaker is condoning it to my knowledge.

It’s not just about condemning what happened. That part is easy.
Also have to consider the rhetoric that lead to the event. That is why I have such disdain for Trump. Beyond political disagreement, his rhetoric goes well beyond what we have seen from politicians and is dangerous.

You can't keep telling people things were stolen from them (with no evidence that occurred) and to stand up and fight back and not expect that the craziest ones might actually listen.

At least we can also agree that we’re sad the Pirates got smoked today?

That was just painful.
[That was just painful.
Lets face it, we have not played a good game on a day when the capital was stormed since 1814.

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