The law will never get passed IMO. I think it is just posturing to make the point that allowing violent protests is untenable and property owners have rights.
In general allowing violent protests is a very slippery slope for our country and it cannot be tolerated. This law is certainly not the answer but folks cannot look the other way. Dem Mayors should particularly pay attention because they almost lost the Presidential election due to allowing these protests to get out of control and allowing cities to burn (Kenosha) and be looted and taken over (see Seattle and Portland). Lots of people in the country are on the side of property owners rights, police and law and order. They are sympathetic to the free right to protest but not at the peril of police, property owners and innocent bystanders. I believe the BLM movement was set-back due to the violence. Mayors of cities that allowed these protests to get out of hand should reassess how they handle things in the future and quickly. Seattle, Portland, Kenosha could not have handled things any worse than they did and it will set those places back for years.
Trump is a douchebag in so many ways, but he has exposed so many Dem Mayors for not helping their cities or residents for years, and many of those same mayors allowed protests to go on far too long to keep their voting base. Many residents and businesses are moving or have moved out of cities and will not return as a result. And the poor people that got hurt the most, who were caught in the middle of it all don't have the means to move out or rebuild their businesses which is very sad.