Dr. Gottlieb Predicts Delta Variant Epidemic Fall 2021 in US

From article..

Gottlieb said all the vaccines out on the market work against the Delta variant in differing degrees.

“The mRNA vaccine seems to be highly effective, two doses of that vaccine against this variant. The viral vector vaccines from J&J and AstraZeneca also appear to be effective, about 60% effective. The mRNA vaccines are about 88% effective,” Gottlieb said, referring to the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines.
From article..

Gottlieb said all the vaccines out on the market work against the Delta variant in differing degrees.

“The mRNA vaccine seems to be highly effective, two doses of that vaccine against this variant. The viral vector vaccines from J&J and AstraZeneca also appear to be effective, about 60% effective. The mRNA vaccines are about 88% effective,” Gottlieb said, referring to the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines.

Corect. But we also have millions of unvaccinated people, right?
From article..

Gottlieb said all the vaccines out on the market work against the Delta variant in differing degrees.

“The mRNA vaccine seems to be highly effective, two doses of that vaccine against this variant. The viral vector vaccines from J&J and AstraZeneca also appear to be effective, about 60% effective. The mRNA vaccines are about 88% effective,” Gottlieb said, referring to the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines.

Also look at the UK. UK is one of the top vaccinated countries in the world. But Boris Johnson is now pushing back UK opening 4 weeks because of the Delta variant threat.

Expect the same in the United States. Once the Delta variant spreads in the fall, restrictions will be put back in place. That's why I said don't keep your hopes up about attending seton hall games in person this year. The virus will continue to virus.
The cold and flu are back. And as people in the comments section of this tweet mention, they will continue to wear masks next winter


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