The whole thing is insane. The so called “far right” surge in Europe would end in one election cycle if the European Elites would only moderate on migration. They stubbornly refuse to do anything about it. Ironic for the so called defenders of democracy.

Look at Denmark the center left party hardened their stance on immigration and have resumed their decades long domination of politics.
The whole thing is insane. The so called “far right” surge in Europe would end in one election cycle if the European Elites would only moderate on migration. They stubbornly refuse to do anything about it. Ironic for the so called defenders of democracy.

Look at Denmark the center left party hardened their stance on immigration and have resumed their decades long domination of politics.
I have done some extensive travel in Europe over the past three years and they all recognize the negative effects of illegal immigration which is driving the shift to Nationalism. It’s funny that they try to demonize the movement as “far right”. There has been an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality as the immigrant population has clustered in closed communities and not assimilated. Now that the numbers and crime has increased, the populace has shifted.

The Nationalist movement’s focus on crime and immigration control is at the same time de-emphasizing the social Democrat platforms that are built on issues like climate change.

Finally, the war in Ukraine has had a major impact on the political landscape (cost, security of their countries, energy shortages, etc.).

A good documentary on Netflix called Turning Point is a nine hour series that goes from WWII through current covering nuclear weapons, Cold War, world power leadership and major events especially in Europe.