Gingrich or Romney ?


May 29, 2001
Latest Gallop Polls

Obama vs Romney - deadheat 48% - 48%

Obama v Gingrich - Obama wins 53% - 41%

OK here's my question. Take Obama out of the equasion & forget who's more likely to win the general election. Who do you think would make a better President: Romney or Gingrich and why ?

Tom K
Gingrich is so polarizing and has been for a long time. A few of his ideas have merit but how can a guy who has been divorced three times and tossed out as Speaker of the House win the Presidency? Not gonna happen.

Romney has actually run a state and has extensive business experience. Out of all the candidates he has very strong public and private sector experience. And he has made the same mistakes on healthcare as the current law so maybe that is actually a strength. He knows what went wrong so maybe he can improve the current debacle. He is low on the likability factor which is big in America. Why I do not know. Some of the best leaders are not all that likable and we need a good leader now more than ever.

I have to say I am not in love with any of the Repub candidates nor with Obama, so the Presidential election continues to be disappointing for me. But the only guy that has a chance against the Community Organizer in Chief is Romney. For me Obama has not lead, he has not helped our foreign policy and he is a bigtime liberal which scares me frankly. I'd prefer someone more in the middle because I think that is where you govern best and Romney will provide that.

Heard a very interesting tidbit the other day. Apparently our last very successful Democratic Pres despises Obama behind the scenes, thinks he is weak and encouraged our Governor to run because he thought he could win. Crazy bedfellows. Can't make this stuff up and it came from a very good source.
I think you missed the question 112...

"OK here's my question. Take Obama out of the equasion & forget who's more likely to win the general election. Who do you think would make a better President: Romney or Gingrich and why ?"

Romney would be much better than Gingrich by a mile. Gingrich would be even more divisive than Obama and he would not be able to get anything done.

Romney is a centrist (though you wouldn't think that from his campaign) and would be able to get support for his policies from both sides. btw, if I were Romney, I think I would come out in support of Obamacare in the next few weeks. Not only support it but take credit for it.

He should say something like this.
"You know, I support the healthcare reform and I applaud the president for implementing the plan that I created which was so successful in Massachusetts. What we need right now is someone with ideas, someone who knows how to take a broken country and make it prosperous again. Your policies haven't worked and America needs a leader who has proven he can work with both parties on the major issues that will get Americans working again."
I didn't miss the question Merge at all. You can't answer this question and take Obama out of the equation so I chose to not follow Tom's lead to explain my answer. You didn't either in your response after telling me to, so what does that say about you? haha
Originally posted by Section112:
I didn't miss the question Merge at all. You can't answer this question and take Obama out of the equation so I chose to not follow Tom's lead to explain my answer. You didn't either in your response after telling me to, so what does that say about you? haha

Actually I did. I said Romney would be better and explained my reasoning.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter though because we all know that neither will have a chance against Obama and an improving economy.
Well I guess you told me. Typical know it all liberal. Can't just give his opinion but has to tell others what to do and how to do it thereby disrespecting others opinions. And in typical fashion has to get the last word too. You score an A+ in the know it all liberal category today. Well done and thank you for playing!

Good thing we see eye to eye on Seton Hall. For at least there we can agree.
All I was saying is that you didn't answer the question that Tom asked. I really wasn't trying to be disrespectful, I apologize it seemed that way.

Maybe the bold text got to you? or maybe it was the username.

In any case, we agree that Gingrich has no chance so there is another thing we agree on.

Also, I think I will become more "conservative" in the years to come but I think it will be that the party moves towards the center and and starts to be more socially liberal.
Cool. I agree with you on Romney vs. Gingrich and Obama too - he will probably win. Most sitting Presidents do unless the other party comes up with a very strong candidate. Right now I'm not seeing that. And it was not the user name at all. You know I lean to the right and I know you lean to the left. No big deal - there are lots of issues we can all agree on and have reasonable discussions about. My mother corrects me and I am old - I don't need you doing it too!
I'm very satisfied with Obama's performance. I'll be voting for him. Even though Gingrich is vastly different I wouldn't have a major problem with him winning. I don't want Romney to win. Big time fraud and totally out of touch with the common person.
Originally posted by shu09:
I'm very satisfied with Obama's performance. I'll be voting for him. Even though Gingrich is vastly different I wouldn't have a major problem with him winning. I don't want Romney to win. Big time fraud and totally out of touch with the common person.

But why do you think Gingrich would make a good President or at least a better one than Romney?

The reason for my post is this: While I am a liberal on most issues I am not totally happy with the Presidents performance. I want the two best candidates to be nominated for the good of our country since events can change elections and anyone can win that is nominated. I am not sure that OB is the best Dem but it doesn't matter because he will be the nominee. So I would hope that the Republicans put up their most qualified person for the job. I'm just not sure who that would be. I do know that it would not be Bachman, Perry or Cain but fortunately they are already out of the race.

Tom K
PS: I do agree with 112's comment that America is better off when goverened from the political center but I'm not really sure that Romney is in fact a centrist. He certainly does not sound like on in the debates.

if you're liberal on most issues, then that's why you're not entirely happy with Obama's performance. despite Section112's reactionary fear of Obama as some big lib, he isn't at all. if he was at all the true progressive the right tries to make him out to be, id love it! He has done little for the left outside of his weak health care reform measures. Obama's unwillingness to get tough with the right and just drive through a more progressive agenda has been tough to watch, but the hope is that in his 2nd term when he doesnt have to worry about reelection we'll finally see some consistent progressiveness out of the White House, but i'm not that confident about it. i think at his heart he's a compromiser, who just tries to make all sides happy, and not at all a tough progressive politician (not that he really ever said he was). sad.
I agree with that take. Obama's personality is to make everyone happy. He has not been all that liberal. Definitely left of center but not nearly a radical.
My problem with OB is not thast he's too liberal or too conservative but rather his inability to deal with congress. Politics is the art of doing what is possible. OB has not gotten that part of it. It is not just that he can't deal with the opposition party. Many Presidents had to deal with the opposing party controling congress & trying to make him look bad and still succeeded. But OB has trouble with his own party in that respect also. His relationships are poor and he does not consult with his own party leaders to advise him what can or can't pass through congress. His lack of experiece shows. Hopefully he will do a better job on this in his second term if he is re-elected.

On the other hand for the most part I applaud his handling of foreign affairs. His winding down of the wars yet still tracking down & killing al queda operatives regardless of where they are hiding.

Tom K
My belief (right or wrong) that Obama is a lib is based on his voting record in Congress where he either voted present or yes for the more liberal issues. I saw one source that rated his voting record a few years ago and it was very heavy on the liberal scale so that is really the basis of my opinion.
Regardless, he has not been effective with our legislature.
Originally posted by Bobbie Solo:
if you're liberal on most issues, then that's why you're not entirely happy with Obama's performance. despite Section112's reactionary fear of Obama as some big lib, he isn't at all. if he was at all the true progressive the right tries to make him out to be, id love it! He has done little for the left outside of his weak health care reform measures. Obama's unwillingness to get tough with the right and just drive through a more progressive agenda has been tough to watch, but the hope is that in his 2nd term when he doesnt have to worry about reelection we'll finally see some consistent progressiveness out of the White House, but i'm not that confident about it. i think at his heart he's a compromiser, who just tries to make all sides happy, and not at all a tough progressive politician (not that he really ever said he was). sad.

I think that's all very well said, but social progressivism has failed Europe miserably, and I don't want any part of it here. The beauty of social conservatives being marginalized and condescended to is that it's created movements with people really digging their heels in, so you won't get what you're looking for in your lifetime, Mr. Solo. That said, I think all the Republican hopefuls represent that cause very poorly (in fact they come off as complete idiots), just as Obama does the progressives.

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