Good book coming in a few months

I have heard about this rumor for decades that Carter had negotiated or was close to having a deal done to bring home the hostages and the Reagan had backchanneld with the Iranians not to release the hostages until after the election. Fascinating what proof they would have. But this allegation has been around for a very long time.
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I have heard about this rumor for decades that Carter had negotiated or was close to having a deal done to bring home the hostages and the Reagan had backchanneld with the Iranians not to release the hostages until after the election. Fascinating what proof they would have. But this allegation has been around for a very long time.
While it does sound plausible, this was investigated by many, including House and Senate committees, with nothing there.

Sounds like an absurd conspiracy theory by another biased "journalist." George Bush wasn't a good guy, but this seems too crazy to be true.
reps love throwing money at conspiracy theories. or anything. very lucrative to incite them or endear them.
Sounds like an absurd conspiracy theory by another biased "journalist." George Bush wasn't a good guy, but this seems too crazy to be true.
Are you not the person who believes in all conspiracies and yet this one you scoff at. lol.

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