Hating on the refs

I hope the school imposes punishment before this can be reviewed by the league.
this should be a major suspension, multiple games. it's one thing to do it to another player, but a message needs to be sent that this won't be tolerated.
Just plain stupid pure and simple. Plus, where's his head - 5th foul, a technical so shots and ball, and game tied with 2 minutes to go. Multiple game suspension by the school if not the conference.
If the school doesn't do it, then I hope the conference suspends him for the remainder of the season.
4 games is good. I was hoping for 5 but a 4 game suspension sends a message. This kid touches a ref again he should be done for the season. He's also not gonna get any calls for a while.
Oregon State was getting NO calls during the 2nd half. Really getting hosed, so I understand his frustration. But jeez man....what is wrong with you? He's lucky he only got 4 games. Oregon State might actually make the tourney for the first time in forever too...way to hurt your team doofus.

All that being said, in our minds we've all wanted to do far worse to many refs over the years haha.
You're right, Oregon State was getting hosed and that same player was called for a very questionable foul a few minutes earlier that had him and his team really upset. Then the no call when he is practically tackled. Same ref made both calls and that was the one he tripped. Saw it when it happened and couldn't believe my eyes.

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