
He will not be outworked and his teams will not be soft. It will take a certain kind of player that wants to play for Sha; someone who wants to be challenged and will put in the work. It will not be for everybody and I do expect it will effect recruiting (positive and negative) targets and roster turnover. But what you see is what you get.

I know he hasn't coached a game here yet, but he is perfect for this job.
Clearly Sha is in charge and runs very tough , physically demanding practices which should pay off during the season . While I enjoy reading articles by those in the media like Zach who bring their expertise to the equation . I must admit that I was intrigued by the absence of his view on how his recruiting for the 23 class is going .
I hope the players aren't burned out by the time the season starts.
Awesome paragraph in that last Post article:

Holloway believed in Ndefo when nobody else did, offering him his lone full scholarship out of high school. They grew together, Holloway as a coach and Ndefo his best player, and butted heads as well. Ndefo entered the transfer portal after his junior season and nearly didn’t return to Saint Peter’s. But, ultimately, he came back and became a March star like Holloway. Now, the kid who wasn’t considered Division I material by everyone except Holloway will be playing his final season in the Big East.
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The article was well written. Also makes me think more so that Ndefo will start out of our 9 viable candidates.

1 Richmond/Femi/Harris
2 Dawes/Harris/Femi
3 Femi/Davis/Jackson/Ndefo
4 Ndefo/Jackson/Davis
5) Yetna/Samuel

Big best D lineup may be

Yetna (healthy)
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Reminds me of the journey Ish took many years ago.
That who I see on D, what Ish game us, specially in his soph year. But I think his passing skills will really make him stand out even more. A guy down low who is a willing and able passer is a big asset.
I see the front court starters as Samuel, Jackson and Ndefo. If Yetna pushes one out, that is fine with me too.
Jackson hasnt shown he can defend true bigs and tyrese was soft inside. Lets see if both can get mdan and tough
He will not be outworked and his teams will not be soft. It will take a certain kind of player that wants to play for Sha; someone who wants to be challenged and will put in the work. It will not be for everybody and I do expect it will effect recruiting (positive and negative) targets and roster turnover. But what you see is what you get.

I know he hasn't coached a game here yet, but he is perfect for this job.
I agree with every single word in your post.
Jackson hasnt shown he can defend true bigs and tyrese was soft inside. Lets see if both can get mdan and tough
Yeah. I agree about Jackson. I thought ty did some good things on d. But I just have that feeling about them coming out as different players and trying to get Jackson and his jumper lots of time makes sense to me. I am solidly on the Jackson bandwagon till proven otherwise. And nice having Alexi and if they call his name that is good to me.

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