HR McMaster new book

This is a reminder that almost many high level member of Trump’s administration does not back him for President. This is what is all anyone needs to know about Trump. Pence, Tillerson, Bolton, Esper, Kelly all are not supporting Trump. It’s pretty mind blowing. And we need to listen to those that worked with him closely.
This is a reminder that almost many high level member of Trump’s administration does not back him for President. This is what is all anyone needs to know about Trump. Pence, Tillerson, Bolton, Esper, Kelly all are not supporting Trump. It’s pretty mind blowing. And we need to listen to those that worked with him closely.
Not to mention not one former Republican VP or president spoke or even was at their convention . Other main stream republicans were also scare and were not speakers outside of Haley . Correct me on what I missed I did not watch much. Although I saw a clip of Hulk Hogan which was both weird and hilarious . Maybe this week we will see Cody Rhodes at the Democratic convention !!!!!!!
Right after the smart phone and social media became ubiquitous. Wonder if there’s any connection.
Perhaps there is a connection that people started to read their news and gather information from Facebook instead of newspapers. Very possible. But, 2012 was the last good Republican candidate for President.

And by the way, 2016 was. The last really good presidential candidate from the Dems. I watched Hillary speak last night and it reminded me how far above she was in terms of intelligence and the ability to articulate than the last two Dem candidates. We need to return to having candidates that are truely worthy of the position run.
Perhaps there is a connection that people started to read their news and gather information from Facebook instead of newspapers. Very possible. But, 2012 was the last good Republican candidate for President.

And by the way, 2016 was. The last really good presidential candidate from the Dems. I watched Hillary speak last night and it reminded me how far above she was in terms of intelligence and the ability to articulate than the last two Dem candidates. We need to return to having candidates that are truely worthy of the position run.
Facebook? More than that. Cable news, Twitter, most Gen Z get their news from TikTok now.

Looking back over the last 20 years, Romney would probably have made a great President but we’ll never know. Hillary is a train wreck…could have possibly been the worst campaign I can remember. Insult half the electorate when you are leading in the polls.
This is a reminder that almost many high level member of Trump’s administration does not back him for President. This is what is all anyone needs to know about Trump. Pence, Tillerson, Bolton, Esper, Kelly all are not supporting Trump. It’s pretty mind blowing. And we need to listen to those that worked with him closely.
There's also many who say working for Kamala was a nightmare. If you want to follow your own logic I'm guessing you will be voting RFK, Jr.

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Perhaps there is a connection that people started to read their news and gather information from Facebook instead of newspapers. Very possible. But, 2012 was the last good Republican candidate for President.

And by the way, 2016 was. The last really good presidential candidate from the Dems. I watched Hillary speak last night and it reminded me how far above she was in terms of intelligence and the ability to articulate than the last two Dem candidates. We need to return to having candidates that are truely worthy of the position run.
I think Romney would have been a good president but he was a bad candidate in that the thing to run on against Obama in 2012 was Obamacare but Romney was pretty much the architect of that.

Hillary is a bad person and would have been a horrible President. Trump only won in 2016 because of the utter disdain for her. The same reason he lost in 2020 and may so again in 2024, the utter disdain for him.
And Trump is lowering himself in the polls every time he opens his mouth. The guy is so stupid. Why not talk about the economy and the free flow at the border and inflation and him increasing the child care credit and other good things that happened during his Administration? It boggles my mind how stupid he is and that we are gonna most likely have the most liberal Senator as our President. How to lose an election in three weeks. He can't seem to stick to the script and many fellow Repubs are coming out saying that. I naively thought that maybe Nikki Haley had a shot. Oh well...
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And Trump is lowering himself in the polls every time he opens his mouth. The guy is so stupid. Why not talk about the economy and the free flow at the border and inflation and him increasing the child care credit and other good things that happened during his Administration? It boggles my mind how stupid he is and that we are gonna most likely have the most liberal Senator as our President. How to lose an election in three weeks. He can't seem to stick to the script and many fellow Repubs are coming out saying that. I naively thought that maybe Nikki Haley had a shot. Oh well...
Maybe he pulls a “Biden” on September 10….
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If only there was a good candidate running. But there isn't.

And Trump is lowering himself in the polls every time he opens his mouth. The guy is so stupid. Why not talk about the economy and the free flow at the border and inflation and him increasing the child care credit and other good things that happened during his Administration? It boggles my mind how stupid he is and that we are gonna most likely have the most liberal Senator as our President. How to lose an election in three weeks. He can't seem to stick to the script and many fellow Repubs are coming out saying that. I naively thought that maybe Nikki Haley had a shot. Oh well...
That is why he can't be president . He is unhinged and will not listen to anybody, that is why when he was president he went through countless cabinet and staff members. If he loses the good thing is that hopefully the repubican party can get back to normality with some fresh young republicans same with the democrates if she loses . Both parties need fresh moderate voices who are willing work across the aisle .
That is why he can't be president . He is unhinged and will not listen to anybody, that is why when he was president he went through countless cabinet and staff members. If he loses the good thing is that hopefully the repubican party can get back to normality with some fresh young republicans same with the democrates if she loses . Both parties need fresh moderate voices who are willing work across the aisle .
If you listened to her economic ideas and say oh yeah, she's the one for president, we need her for president, you're out of your mind. She talks about price gaging not price gouging. She thinks she's helping people by giving them a $25,000 credit and it won't impact home prices. She thinks government controlling the prices of things is good when there's plenty of history in other countries that shows otherwise. She's for reproductive freedom when their goal is actually to stop reproduction. She didn't care about the border until Abbott sent people across the country. She's a gem. Based on these 2, it's shocking to me that even a guy as out there as RFK, Jr doesn't get more attention.
There's also many who say working for Kamala was a nightmare. If you want to follow your own logic I'm guessing you will be voting RFK, Jr.

Well, I did not read the article but It probably doesn't say that they cannot vote for her because she is a threat to democracy like so many of Trump's senior administration are saying. But nice try. So following my own logic would not be voting for RFK Jr. He is a loon and proves it all the time and that is a guy who is a heroin addict.
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Well, I did not read the article but It probably doesn't say that they cannot vote for her because she is a threat to democracy like so many of Trump's senior administration are saying. But nice try. So following my own logic would not be voting for RFK Jr. He is a loon and proves it all the time and that is a guy who is a heroin addict.
A threat to democracy, that's the catch phrase but is it reality? I mean seriously, wouldn't a threat to democracy just turned himself into a dictator at covid time or while watching cities burn down under his presidency? Amazing how things like voter ID can be twisted into a bad thing.

Her economic policies are as close to socialism as we've ever heard. She's a threat to our entire economic system.

RFK, Jr may be out there but he's not much more screwed up than the other 2.
A threat to democracy, that's the catch phrase but is it reality? I mean seriously, wouldn't a threat to democracy just turned himself into a dictator at covid time or while watching cities burn down under his presidency? Amazing how things like voter ID can be twisted into a bad thing.

Her economic policies are as close to socialism as we've ever heard. She's a threat to our entire economic system.

RFK, Jr may be out there but he's not much more screwed up than the other 2.
Communism not socialism:
For the record the US has a mixed economy which exhibits characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. It embraces the free market when it comes to capital use ,but it also involves government intervention for public good .
For the record the US has a mixed economy which exhibits characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. It embraces the free market when it comes to capital use ,but it also involves government intervention for public good .
That unconstitutional government intervention is the democratic socialism dreck of Bernie and Warren.
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That unconstitutional government intervention is the democratic socialism dreck of Bernie and Warren.
Level headed politicians would never let Fascism, communism or total socialism ever happen . Our government's system of checks and balances known as separation of powers will not allow much that to happen .
If you listened to her economic ideas and say oh yeah, she's the one for president, we need her for president, you're out of your mind. She talks about price gaging not price gouging. She thinks she's helping people by giving them a $25,000 credit and it won't impact home prices. She thinks government controlling the prices of things is good when there's plenty of history in other countries that shows otherwise. She's for reproductive freedom when their goal is actually to stop reproduction. She didn't care about the border until Abbott sent people across the country. She's a gem. Based on these 2, it's shocking to me that even a guy as out there as RFK, Jr doesn't get more attention.
gonna be a bad day for you when you realize your candidate is worse than that
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Gotta hand it to you, you know politics. Love reading your posts on how Biden will crush Trump.
biden already did crush him. biden had record amount of votes ever. trump getting beaten by both "all time bad liberal candidates" should really help you get your head out of your ass about him.
biden already did crush him. biden had record amount of votes ever. trump getting beaten by both "all time bad liberal candidates" should really help you get your head out of your ass about him.
For someone who calls out others for never admitting they were wrong just own what you’ve been saying for 6 months leading up to the 2024 Biden Trump debate. Nice deflection.
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For someone who calls out others for never admitting they were wrong just own what you’ve been saying for 6 months leading up to the 2024 Biden Trump debate. Nice deflection.
i said trump would be the nominee and that he would lose. nobody who voted against him had any new reasons to vote for him this time. outside of jan 6, felony convictions, etc. did i know there would be a historic incumbent drop out? nobody did. big ol gotcha moment for team trump as usual

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