I am on this perspective

Not that I want to turn away anyone from medical care if they need it, but he does have a point.

We are in a much different situation today than we were a year ago. We have the tool available to keep people out of the hospital. As certain hospitals in certain areas are filling up, they should have a Covid capacity cap to ensure they have enough room for people who need non-covid care.

Florida hospitals today at at 85% capacity. 26% is used by Covid patients. A month ago 5% of their capacity was used by Covid patients.
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A significant contributor to capacity as well is people waiting too long to take action when they begin to feel symptoms. The first thing you should do is see your doctor (in person or virtually) to get triaged. When you dig into the hospitalizations, quite often you find people that were suffering from symptoms for a week or two and went to the ER as a last resort. Unfortunately, this is human nature, but if you choose not to get vaccinated, you should be even more vigilant if you do come down with symptoms.
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A significant contributor to capacity as well is people waiting too long to take action when they begin to feel symptoms. The first thing you should do is see your doctor (in person or virtually) to get triaged. When you dig into the hospitalizations, quite often you find people that were suffering from symptoms for a week or two and went to the ER as a last resort. Unfortunately, this is human nature, but if you choose not to get vaccinated, you should be even more vigilant if you do come down with symptoms.

The same mentality that says "I'll be fine if I get it. It will just be the sniffles" probably won't really be surprised when they get it and start to feel sick. Hopefully now that they can all see the rapid increase in hospitalizations, they will take it more seriously early on.
There are many ramifications for people not getting vaccinated. This guy brings out something that has not been talked about. It is a very good point that he is making.
The same mentality that says "I'll be fine if I get it. It will just be the sniffles" probably won't really be surprised when they get it and start to feel sick. Hopefully now that they can all see the rapid increase in hospitalizations, they will take it more seriously early on.
As I said, it's human nature. Doctor tells you that you have high blood pressure are obese and don't get enough exercise, but you continue to eat Big Macs or Popeye's Chicken five times a week, sit on the couch and take a bunch of pills because it's easy. Then you have a heart attack.

Most of our downstream health issues in this country (and the pandemic included) can be avoided if we focused more of our efforts and education on preventing hospitalizations.

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