I was wrong...

What does that have to do with indoctrination? Methinks you've been listening to Rush Limbaugh or some such nonsense. This guy indoctrinates uneducated people to vote against their own best interests. Thankfully he's been dropped by several stations recently. How will these markets survive without the King of Hate Radio?

Much worse was the Catholic school teacher at Immaculata who posted on Facebook that gays "want to reengineer western civ into slow extinction." Why would anyone say or think such a thing? The scary thing is that this teacher was reinstated.
you have to be really obtuse... or a lefty drunk on Koolaid not to see how this has everything to do with indoctrination. You want hate media.... try WNBC's Ed Shultz.

Comparing the Immaculata HS teacher's face book post to this is really a stretch. I am glad cooler heads prevailed and the teacher was re-instated.
JIMSOULS, are you capable of debating without getting personal? You take the fun out of debating.

Comrade Teacher is predictably portraying herself as a victim.

Guess what comrade, supporting an ideology that murdered at least 60 million human beings is not cute.

If that school board does not make a strong statement and fire her commie arse, the state should cut off every penny they send to that district.

She could have supported that dirtbag on her own time, not in school. Of course, the people who live in the countries she supports don't enjoy free speech.
Originally posted by JIMSOULS:

Much worse was the Catholic school teacher at Immaculata who posted on Facebook that gays "want to reengineer western civ into slow extinction." Why would anyone say or think such a thing? The scary thing is that this teacher was reinstated.

She's much worse than Rush Limbaugh? You need to re-calibrate your sensitivities. She absolutely should have been reinstated, even sooner. What's scary is that the Church would kow-tow to the tolerance mob, particularly the Hollywood elite -- whichever way they're going, get me on the bus in the other direction.
Originally posted by 400SOAVE:
JIMSOULS, are you capable of debating without getting personal? You take the fun out of debating.
Kind of difficult to debate when you call a teacher doing something dumb indoctrination of liberal ideologies.

If it was part of the school's curriculum (like maybe a school banning textbooks that include evolution), then I would buy your argument.
Originally posted by Merge:

Originally posted by 400SOAVE:
JIMSOULS, are you capable of debating without getting personal? You take the fun out of debating.
Kind of difficult to debate when you call a teacher doing something dumb indoctrination of liberal ideologies.

If it was part of the school's curriculum (like maybe a school banning textbooks that include evolution), then I would buy your argument.

well.... let's look at some facts.

The link describes a group of university professors who support Marilyn Zuniga, the third grade teacher.
This group is called ...oops... hit post too soon..... working n the edit.

Taking longer than I thought. I'll have to come back to finishing my thoughts... but read the link and take note of the names who signed the letter and the names on the letter head.

This post was edited on 4/16 1:56 PM by PiratePride

This post was edited on 4/16 2:10 PM by PiratePride
Read about what is happening in 2015 at UC Irvine.

This is a state school. Who are these students? Where are they coming from? Who is teaching them these hate-America lessons?

BTW, as is well documented, if you happen to be in the southwest of United States on May 5th and you're in a high school filled with illegal Mexicans, DO NOT wear anything with an American flag. You will be beaten with impunity. School administrators will probably defend the Mexicans (as has happened in the past).
Originally posted by 400SOAVE:
Read about what is happening in 2015 at UC Irvine.

This is a state school. Who are these students? Where are they coming from? Who is teaching them these hate-America lessons?

BTW, as is well documented, if you happen to be in the southwest of United States on May 5th and you're in a high school filled with illegal Mexicans, DO NOT wear anything with an American flag. You will be beaten with impunity. School administrators will probably defend the Mexicans (as has happened in the past).
You are basically answering your own question.

It is not like the students just happened to be wearing an American flag on Cinqo de Mayo, they are wearing it in protest against Mexicans celebrating their ethnicity. People aren't supposed to wear the American flag anyway as my grandmother would always remind me anytime she saw someone wearing one. She probably would have beaten those people up as well.

We are a nation of immigrants and when people use the american flag as a symbol that Mexicans don't belong here,they are the ones hurting our country and severely perverting what the flag is intended to symbolize. It is the actions like that which teach young students that to be more inclusive of everyone that they think they need to ban the American flag.
Not sure how you reach the conclusion that the American flag on 5 May is automatically anti-Mexican.

It would be nice if Cinco de Mayo celebrants would wave an occasional American flag.

Somehow you are putting this bias that you imagine to be so wide spread squarely at the feet of the gringos.

The notion that the American flag may be offensive to some so therefore it must be banned is wrong minded and harmful.
Merge, I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother was so violent.

Immigration is not the topic of this thread. The topic is hard left anti-Americanism and indoctrination of students.

I'm in favor of legal and orderly immigration. Yes, the country was built by immigrants- LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

However, I'm against in-your-face illegal immigration by foreigners who demand that American taxpayers take care of their medical bills, education bills, food bills, housing bills, etc.

They're not asking. They're demanding. And like idiots, our "leaders" comply.

Many illegals act as if they should be given an award for being illegal.

And I remind everybody again that all those immigration rallies used to be flooded by Cuban flags and images of Che Guevara. It's a fact. It undeniable. After many years they started to get some bad publicity so they stopped.

Check the web site of the people who orgainzie those and many other rallies.

The truth can be harsh.
PiatePride's and 400SOAVE's post directly before mine are excellent.

That 3rd grade teacher should be fired. What are 3rd graders (8 year olds) doing talking about a convicted cop killer? Just a disgrace.

And how does a convicted cop-killing scumbag become a cause celebre?

Heck, how does a person who wrote and sang a song called "Cop Killer" end up playing a cop on TV?

Originally posted by Merge:

Originally posted by 400SOAVE:
Read about what is happening in 2015 at UC Irvine.

This is a state school. Who are these students? Where are they coming from? Who is teaching them these hate-America lessons?

BTW, as is well documented, if you happen to be in the southwest of United States on May 5th and you're in a high school filled with illegal Mexicans, DO NOT wear anything with an American flag. You will be beaten with impunity. School administrators will probably defend the Mexicans (as has happened in the past).
You are basically answering your own question.

It is not like the students just happened to be wearing an American flag on Cinqo de Mayo, they are wearing it in protest against Mexicans celebrating their ethnicity. People aren't supposed to wear the American flag anyway as my grandmother would always remind me anytime she saw someone wearing one. She probably would have beaten those people up as well.
So people should be beaten on account of their choice of clothing, even if in silent protest?

Your grandmother would have had a real problem with our uniformed first responders, too.
Originally posted by donnie_baseball:
So people should be beaten on account of their choice of clothing, even if in silent protest?

Your grandmother would have had a real problem with our uniformed first responders, too.
Of course they shouldn't be beaten in a silent protest... but these instances haven't exactly been silent protests.
I am not saying that either side is innocent here, but lets not pretend that there were just some Americans that happened to be wearing an American flag that got beat up.

These are areas of high racial tension, and is really not that far from weaing a confederate flag to the million man march.
Should you get beat up? No. Will I be suprised when you do? No.

It was aked above why students feel the anti-American sentiment that would make them think they need to remove the flag from a public space. My response is that it was learned by them by other students who were using the flag in a way to incite anger from the other students.

My Grandmother was a Sergeant in the Army and took the flag code very seriously. You are not supposed to wear the flag.
Originally posted by Merge:

Originally posted by donnie_baseball:
So people should be beaten on account of their choice of clothing, even if in silent protest?

Your grandmother would have had a real problem with our uniformed first responders, too.
Of course they shouldn't be beaten in a silent protest... but these instances haven't exactly been silent protests.
I am not saying that either side is innocent here, but lets not pretend that there were just some Americans that happened to be wearing an American flag that got beat up.

These are areas of high racial tension, and is really not that far from weaing a confederate flag to the million man march.
Should you get beat up? No. Will I be suprised when you do? No.

It was aked above why students feel the anti-American sentiment that would make them think they need to remove the flag from a public space. My response is that it was learned by them by other students who were using the flag in a way to incite anger from the other students.

My Grandmother was a Sergeant in the Army and took the flag code very seriously. You are not supposed to wear the flag.
Your grandmother is correct. Flag etiquette is something many know little about. As a PSA..... here's a link about the flag and how it should be treated.

of course the Supreme Court has diminished the meaning of the Flag Code, by allowing it's destruction in public forums as a 1st Amendment issue. .... a bad decision in my view.....thus the Valdosta St. idiots and that brave former Air Force Sgt. (quite a looker.... kind of sad she got a dishonorable discharge from the AF for posing in Playboy) who fought to stop them.

HOWEVER to get back on topic....... it is really a straw man that you built up as a way to criticize students who "show the flag" (American flag that is).... on Cinqo de Mayo. That is NOT the reason you object.... you misguidedly think they are racists and is meant solely to antagonize Mexican students. It should work both ways... and it doesn't. Do you think that all the Mexican students who display the Mexican flag are doing it to show their Mexican pride and not to antagonize the non-Mexican students????

The ethnic parades that I have witnessed all have the American flag very visible and intermingled with whatever flag represents the country honoring their heritage...... I hate to say never... but I have never seen an American flag waved or shown by Mexicans in the US celebrating Cinqo de Mayo....... So by your logic.. the Mexican flag should be banned?
Originally posted by PiratePride:
HOWEVER to get back on topic....... it is really a straw man that you built up as a way to criticize students who "show the flag" (American flag that is).... on Cinqo de Mayo. That is NOT the reason you object.... you misguidedly think they are racists and is meant solely to antagonize Mexican students. It should work both ways... and it doesn't. Do you think that all the Mexican students who display the Mexican flag are doing it to show their Mexican pride and not to antagonize the non-Mexican students????

The ethnic parades that I have witnessed all have the American flag very visible and intermingled with whatever flag represents the country honoring their heritage...... I hate to say never... but I have never seen an American flag waved or shown by Mexicans in the US celebrating Cinqo de Mayo....... So by your logic.. the Mexican flag should be banned?
I am not misguided thinking that this started with racism.

The more recent issues heard by the supreme court started with Live Oak High School in 2009, where there was significant racial tension. On May 5th 2009 there was an altercation between groups of White Students and Mexican students. Some students hung a makeshift American flag and started chanting "USA USA" The flag was being used as an anti-Mexican sentiment.

I will not opine on what occured between the two groups and who was more wrong than the other. I am not saying that the Mexican flag hasn't been used with an anti-American sentiment. All I am saying that we really shouldn't be suprised that kids grow up thinking that the American flag is objectionable in a public area when they have seen it used as a divisive tool... and unless you live one of the border states, I wouldn't expect you to have seen these types of issues.

This post was edited on 4/20 12:58 PM by Merge
And we also shouldn't be surprised when a Mexican flag becomes objectionable as well.

Some are very quick to call the white students racist... but not the Mexican students. Therein lies the problem... imho.
Originally posted by PiratePride:

And we also shouldn't be surprised when a Mexican flag becomes objectionable as well.

Some are very quick to call the white students racist... but not the Mexican students. Therein lies the problem... imho.
The Mexicans in question very well may be racist, and if they showed up to a 4th of July event with Mexican flags chanting Mexico... then I would completely agree with you.
The next thing you know, history texts will be edited to comply with political leanings, and science texts to comply with religious in Texas.
btw, I did some reading about that case years ago. He is guilty as hell as far as I could tell.
Gentlemen, we are in the UNITED STATES. We are not in Mexico.

merge, you are equating flying the Mexican flag in the United States with flying the flag of United State in the United States.

Mexico is a foreign nation. Their flag is a foreign flag.

Can you imaging a group of Americans beating up a bunch of Mexicans for flying the Mexican flag in Mexico on the Fourth of July? That would be ridiculous and not tolerated.

BTW, who decided that wearing the flag on a shirt is inappropriate? I love the display of patriotism. There's not enough of it. I've had the Stars & Stripes hanging from my rear-view mirror for decades.
merge, you are equating flying the Mexican flag in the United States with flying the flag of United State in the United States.Mexico is a foreign nation. Their flag is a foreign flag.

I am not saying it is wrong to display the American flag. I am saying that IF you do so on a day of celebration of another ethnicity in a manner that intentionally insults them that you shouldn't be suprised when people start believeing that the flag is a divisive tool.

You asked who is teaching the kids the anti-American sentiment, and I am telling you where it comes from.

BTW, who decided that wearing the flag on a shirt is inappropriate? I love the display of patriotism. There's not enough of it. I've had the Stars & Stripes hanging from my rear-view mirror for decades.

Congress in 1942. It is not an enforceable law. Just a guideline for how to respect the flag.

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