Incompetent Russian Fighter jet pilots


All Big East
Nov 11, 2009
Hard to imagine someone who flys fighter jets as incompetent. These statements by the media and our government officials are hilarious. Does anyone really believe a Russian fighter jet pilot could be incompetent? So incompetent that he hit our drone by accident. Yet that’s what we are being told. Hard to imagine in a few short years how close we are to a major war. We are living in dangerous times. Just pointing out how absurd some of these statements are.
Hard to imagine someone who flys fighter jets as incompetent. These statements by the media and our government officials are hilarious. Does anyone really believe a Russian fighter jet pilot could be incompetent?


Hard to know for now. Could they have been messing around with close flyovers as they have done in the past and not intended to actually hit it, and hit it by accident? Or did they intentionally try to down the drone without firing a weapon?

For now, brushing it off as a mistake seems like the better PR move for now.
Guess we are going to find out. If this act of aggression is followed by another accident we may very well find ourselves in a conflict. Might help take our minds off of failing banks, labor shortages, rising interest rates and inflation which is out of control.
Hard to imagine someone who flys fighter jets as incompetent. These statements by the media and our government officials are hilarious. Does anyone really believe a Russian fighter jet pilot could be incompetent? So incompetent that he hit our drone by accident. Yet that’s what we are being told. Hard to imagine in a few short years how close we are to a major war. We are living in dangerous times. Just pointing out how absurd some of these statements are.
I don’t fly so maybe I have no idea. But it seems to me when bird strikes have taken out engines of jet planes, running into a couple hundred pound drone sounds like an incredibly stupid thing to do. I can’t imagine this is something that fighter pilots should be doing unless they want to risk their own jet and life. Whether it was done in accident or purpose it sounds reckless and dumb.

You think it was a maneuver worthy of praise and competence?
The Russians are retaliating for us giving Ukraine weapons of war. The Russian jet dumped fuel just before contact with the drone. My take is that they were trying to destroy the drone with the jet fuel and may have gotten too close and accidentally skimmed the drone, breaking the propeller and destroying the drone. The Russian jet appeared unharmed and our drone was destroyed. So when our friend in the Whitehouse says it was an accident, he may be correct. The crash may have been an accident or poor piloting, but the destruction of the drone was not and the Whitehouse will just conveniently leave that part out.
I definitely view it as act of aggression, but I do not think the Russian pilot wanted to actually hit the drone unless he was a complete nut job. Seems to me too risky to damage the jet and/or cause jet to crash. So while I wouldn't consider the crash an "accident", I think the actual contact while negligent was accidental.
The Russians are retaliating for us giving Ukraine weapons of war.

Russia has a history of harassing US ships and Jets in that area and started well before their invasion of Ukraine or any assistance we have provided. Why would you take their side here?

So when our friend in the Whitehouse says it was an accident, he may be correct. The crash may have been an accident or poor piloting, but the destruction of the drone was not and the Whitehouse will just conveniently leave that part out.

Well yeah, it is out of convenience because the alternative gets us into a war over a lost drone.
Russia has a history of harassing US ships and Jets in that area and started well before their invasion of Ukraine or any assistance we have provided. Why would you take their side here?

Well yeah, it is out of convenience because the alternative gets us into a war over a lost drone.
How did I take their side? I said that they tried to destroy our drone by dumping jet fuel on it and may have accidentally bumped into it. Either way their goal was to destroy the drone and they succeeded.

I guess you would rather the Biden Administration lie to the American people. And we would not go to war over a drone. To mention that is just silly.

Speaking of the Ukraine war, how are those sanctions Biden put on Russia? I can't believe they didn't bow down to Biden's sanctions. Maybe the Russians can take some of the Billions of dollars of military supplies Biden left behind in the middle east with a bunch of Americans. It's funny how you never mention any of those things or maybe you don't see any of them on CNN.
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I don’t fly so maybe I have no idea. But it seems to me when bird strikes have taken out engines of jet planes, running into a couple hundred pound drone sounds like an incredibly stupid thing to do. I can’t imagine this is something that fighter pilots should be doing unless they want to risk their own jet and life. Whether it was done in accident or purpose it sounds reckless and dumb.

You think it was a maneuver worthy of praise and competence?
Of course not, but to think a fighter jet pilot is incompetent is foolish, if you said someone driving down the Garden State Parkway was an incompetent driver no problem. The statement in itself is crazy, they knew exactly what they were doing. One of my points is simply that this has potential to keep escalating. This administration is doing a horrible job on the world stage. We are weak and feeble and it shows and people like Lindsay Graham are fueling the fire. First mistake was cancelling the Keystone pipeline and giving permission to Russia to proceed with their own pipeline. Sign of weakness trying to be buddies with the enemy. Russian fighter jet pilots would gladly lose their life to send a message to America.
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How did I take their side?

Because you said this is just them getting us back for something. That's crazy.

Speaking of the Ukraine war, how are those sanctions Biden put on Russia? I can't believe they didn't bow down to Biden's sanctions. Maybe the Russians can take some of the Billions of dollars of military supplies Biden left behind in the middle east with a bunch of Americans. It's funny how you never mention any of those things or maybe you don't see any of them on CNN.

Funny how I never mention what?
I was pretty critical of how we left Afghanistan here.
The sanctions were meant to penalize Russia with longer term pain and that is working. Their economy is being propped up by surging military production, but even with that their economy is contracting. Exports other than oil and gas is down by huge amounts... so yeah, the sanctions seem fairly effective.
Russia has second rate military as they have proven against Ukraine they want no part of conflict with US just hoping this deters us from using drones in that area to communicate Russia positions to Ukraine.We should double our drones in that area.
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Russia has second rate military as they have proven against Ukraine they want no part of conflict with US just hoping this deters us from using drones in that area to communicate Russia positions to Ukraine.We should double our drones in that area.
More about the China Russia relationship. I would like to hear what’s said when they are behind closed doors. We are destroying our own country from within.

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