
people make their own choices with what food they eat, children in classrooms getting shot at do not.

its very clear you're using this as a comparison/counter to the going conversation around gun control. typical for you.

"now this" isn't a comparison.
people make their own choices with what food they eat, children in classrooms getting shot at do not.

its very clear you're using this as a comparison/counter to the going conversation around gun control. typical for you.

"now this" isn't a comparison.
For a guy that constantly criticizes our players IQ, you sure are dense.
For a guy that constantly criticizes our players IQ, you sure are dense.
swing and miss. no real response i guess.

NOW THIS is a comment trying to compare issues. NOW THIS is a comment trying to say school shootings isn't important.

just absurd.
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You guys are tough, Hall 85 starts a separate thread and you link it to gun violence. Even though out of context your above comment is pretty funny.
You guys are tough, Hall 85 starts a separate thread and you link it to gun violence. Even though out of context your above comment is pretty funny.
read his post. he's clearly playing off the previous gun violence thread. "now this is a lobby that does more harm..."

great, let's downplay, deflect, and marginalize school shootings. shill shootings don't matter as much because ultra processed foods exist. dont even argue it. its actually insane that's where he went with it.
Ultra processed food doesn't kill people. People eating ultra processed food kills people.
so you’re saying a hot dog sitting on a table has never killed anyone? Is that correct?

And when parents feed their kids processed food is that child abuse since eating processed foods kills people?
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I don't like this. I don't like to admit this. I don't like this is a fact of life.
It's nice you don't like to admit this is a fact of life, but you mock it with your condolensces. You clearly admitted eating processed foods kills people, yet innocent kids who don't have any knowledge of what they're being given are clearly being given harmful products to put in their body and there's no safeguards by our government to prevent it from happening. And this impacts way more kids than gun violence. And if you really wanted to link the 2 together, Harvard research suggests ultra process foods is linked to depression and mental health issues. So not only is it linked to cancer but also mental health. Great and nobody talks about it other than that whacko RFK Jr.

It's nice you don't like to admit this is a fact of life, but you mock it with your condolensces. You clearly admitted eating processed foods kills people, yet innocent kids who don't have any knowledge of what they're being given are clearly being given harmful products to put in their body and there's no safeguards by our government to prevent it from happening. And this impacts way more kids than gun violence. And if you really wanted to link the 2 together, Harvard research suggests ultra process foods is linked to depression and mental health issues. So not only is it linked to cancer but also mental health. Great and nobody talks about it other than that whacko RFK Jr.

Just so we are clear, you know @knowknow456 was derisively referencing JD Vance's remarks after the Apalachee High School shooting?
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Harvard research suggests ultra process foods is linked to depression and mental health issues.

There is a correlation per the study, but it seems to be a chicken or the egg kind of debate there.

Are you depressed because you're eating ultra processed foods or are you eating ultra processed foods because you're depressed?
If you've become so busy and exhausted that you don't want to spend the time to shop and cook, is it the food that caused the depression or the overall quality of life?

For example, the study suggested far more risk with diet coke vs regular coke.
Is that because aspartame is much more risky than sugar, or is it because people who drink diet soda tend to be more focused about losing weight and are more likely to be depressed?

That said, I don't disagree with you that the food lobby is also bad and intentionally preventing consumers from health information.
Just as the gun lobby does, just as the oil and gas lobby does, just as the pharmaceutical lobby does. etc... Just as the Tabaco lobby did until there was enough public outcry against them. We need the same for the rest of them.
There is a correlation per the study, but it seems to be a chicken or the egg kind of debate there.

Are you depressed because you're eating ultra processed foods or are you eating ultra processed foods because you're depressed?
If you've become so busy and exhausted that you don't want to spend the time to shop and cook, is it the food that caused the depression or the overall quality of life?

For example, the study suggested far more risk with diet coke vs regular coke.
Is that because aspartame is much more risky than sugar, or is it because people who drink diet soda tend to be more focused about losing weight and are more likely to be depressed?

That said, I don't disagree with you that the food lobby is also bad and intentionally preventing consumers from health information.
Just as the gun lobby does, just as the oil and gas lobby does, just as the pharmaceutical lobby does. etc... Just as the Tabaco lobby did until there was enough public outcry against them. We need the same for the rest of them.
You're making a bad assumption that people who drink diet coke are looking to lose weight. Some who are fit believe it's better for them because it has aspartame instead of sugar. I can't speak for your family, but I have plenty of family who drink diet soda and think it's better for them not because they need to lose any weight. How is it impacting those at a healthy weight who drink it because they don't want the regular sugar, do they still have far more risk? The other bad assumption is people who drink regular coke are content with their weight. Not that I drink much soda, I'm sure there's plenty of people like me who won't drink diet coke because of the taste. How I feel about my weight has nothing to do with it. And I'll buy Boylan's because it has cane sugar not high fructose corn syrup.
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You're making a bad assumption that people who drink diet coke are looking to lose weight. Some who are fit believe it's better for them because it has aspartame instead of sugar. I can't speak for your family, but I have plenty of family who drink diet soda and think it's better for them not because they need to lose any weight. How is it impacting those at a healthy weight who drink it because they don't want the regular sugar, do they still have far more risk?

I wasn't making an assumption, just asked the question because the study suggested that sugar sweetened beverages showed a negative risk correlation with depression.

If you read the study and believe that ultra processed foods are causing depression, then you have to then also believe that drinking sugared beverages reduces depression as much as sugar sweetened snacks increases the risk. That seems off to me.

I eat poorly therefore I am depressed, or I am depressed therefor I eat poorly.

Certainly valid that it could be the outcome or the cause, but from my personal experience I find more of a connection to the mood driving my diet.
I wasn't making an assumption, just asked the question because the study suggested that sugar sweetened beverages showed a negative risk correlation with depression.

If you read the study and believe that ultra processed foods are causing depression, then you have to then also believe that drinking sugared beverages reduces depression as much as sugar sweetened snacks increases the risk. That seems off to me.

I eat poorly therefore I am depressed, or I am depressed therefor I eat poorly.

Certainly valid that it could be the outcome or the cause, but from my personal experience I find more of a connection to the mood driving my diet.
Sugar is a real food not a chemical. It grows on a stick. Where do I grow aspartame? Where do all the things that I can't pronounce on a package food come from in nature? Sugar is addictive because of how refined it is, but our bodies are designed to process it.
Sugar is addictive because of how refined it is, but our bodies are designed to process it.

Sure but given the prevalence of insulin resistant, we're not processing the current forms we consume very well.

Sugar added beverages reducing the risk of depression as much as sugary snacks increases risk is an odd result of that study which makes me question if it is really addressing what causes depression or a correlation of the habits of depressed people. That's all.
Sure but given the prevalence of insulin resistant, we're not processing the current forms we consume very well.

Sugar added beverages reducing the risk of depression as much as sugary snacks increases risk is an odd result of that study which makes me question if it is really addressing what causes depression or a correlation of the habits of depressed people. That's all.
Watched a documentary on insulin resistance and sugar isn’t the problem. Cells are designed to process glucose. But when the cells are so clogged with fats they can’t absorb the glucose.

It’s not about the sugar. It’s about the chemical additives and preservatives. The more chemicals which Diet Coke has more than regular coke the more it’s a problem for the human body.
Watched a documentary on insulin resistance and sugar isn’t the problem. Cells are designed to process glucose. But when the cells are so clogged with fats they can’t absorb the glucose.

It’s not about the sugar. It’s about the chemical additives and preservatives. The more chemicals which Diet Coke has more than regular coke the more it’s a problem for the human body.

Not arguing that.

According to the study, sugar drinks good are good for depression but sugar snacks are bad.
This sugar in a cookie will make you depressed but the same sugar in a drink will reduce your risk. That doesn't really make sense.

All I am saying is that the study seems to be correlational rather than causational.

Seeing that depressed people were more likely to consume diet drinks doesn't necessarily prove that the drinks caused the depression.
Not arguing that.

According to the study, sugar drinks good are good for depression but sugar snacks are bad.
This sugar in a cookie will make you depressed but the same sugar in a drink will reduce your risk. That doesn't really make sense.

All I am saying is that the study seems to be correlational rather than causational.

Seeing that depressed people were more likely to consume diet drinks doesn't necessarily prove that the drinks caused the depression.
the people who did the study disagree.....

But the authors disagree. Prof Andrew T Chan, chief of the clinical and translational epidemiology unit at Massachusetts general hospital and co-author of the research, said: “The strength of our study is that we were able to assess diet several years before the onset of depression. This minimises the likelihood that our findings are simply due to individuals with depression being more likely to choose ultra-processed foods.”

There's tons of studies going between ultra processed food, artificial sweeteners and their link with mental health. People like Prof Chan believe they have something while I bet the food lobby will keep things down.