Look who wrote a Foreword to a book coming in Sept

Yeah, so? Power back to the people is a great thing and the way it’s suppose to be. Remember that document called The Constitution? Of course you don’t. It’s a restraint on the federal government.

And while I don’t fully support Project 2025, after reading it in its entirety, it’s mostly about federalism, returning power to the states and the people. It’s completely being misrepresented by the dems and the media (one and the same).
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Dems misrepresent and saying Trump endorses every thing in it is what you do particularly when you have a weaker candidate.Media has been told not to refer to Harris as border czar and they immediately issued their apologies.If voters want things to remain the same lightweight Harris is their candidate.As Obama famously said all we need to do is get rid of Fox News and everything will be fine acknowledging the fact that the rest of the networks will ALWAYS carry water fir Dems.
Dems misrepresent and saying Trump endorses every thing in it is what you do particularly when you have a weaker candidate.Media has been told not to refer to Harris as border czar and they immediately issued their apologies.If voters want things to remain the same lightweight Harris is their candidate.As Obama famously said all we need to do is get rid of Fox News and everything will be fine acknowledging the fact that the rest of the networks will ALWAYS carry water fir Dems.
If lawyers or accountants purposely misrepresented things like the media they'd be in jail in 10 seconds. It's horrible what they get away with saying and writing. But it's comical to watch the CNN Trump fact checker say Trump's lying he said Kamala had 1,000 people at her event when in fact she sold out a 3,000 seat venue. I wish he would say Trump gets more people outside his events than she sells out.
Take a look at the Media in the last 2 days attempting to declare that Kamala Harris was never declared the Border Czar.
Fortunately the receipts are there and the egg on their faces could feed a Seton Hall Football team.

The liberal media would tell you it's sunny and dry when it's raining outside to see if you call them out on it.
Take a look at the Media in the last 2 days attempting to declare that Kamala Harris was never declared the Border Czar.
Fortunately the receipts are there and the egg on their faces could feed a Seton Hall Football team.

The liberal media would tell you it's sunny and dry when it's raining outside to see if you call them out on it.
both liberal and conservative media do that. who are you kidding? republican message has just been to deny deny deny facts for last 8 years. the playbook is to just say the opposite of what happened.

they're all the same

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