Natural Gas Prices Significantly Up In 2021

ed odowd

All American
Apr 24, 2013
US population increased around 7% from 2011 to 2021. Natural Gas production increased over 50% in the same period which led to stable and in some years decreasing prices ( every year from 2014 - 2019 the price decreased except in 2016 when it increased ).In 2020 the price increased about 12% and YTD. 2021 is up almost 100%.Obviously the pandemic has caused much of this increase.As we push for increasing our dependence on renewable energy and the White House calling for solar to provide half the electric grid by 2050 up from the current 3%.IMO canceling the pipelines in production will put increased price pressure on natural gas prices since natural gas provides about 35% of power generation and production is trending downward.If we have a cold winter sticker shock likely.

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