It's a good interview.
How to Succeed by Being Authentic (Hint: Carefully) - Freakonomics
What we should do in the United States is find a win-win-win solution. The win-win-win solution, to me, has to be one that keeps the efficiencies of the marketplace. People that think we have a capitalistic health-care system right now don’t understand free markets. Health care is the most regulated industry in the United States. We do not have free-market health care, and yet we know we need to have universal coverage, that we need to take care of our poorest, oldest, and weakest people. What I would do if I was president, I’d set up a commission to study the most successful health-care systems that are out there. And the two that stand out to me are Singapore and Switzerland. "
win-win-win meaning I win, you win, we all win.
"In some ways, Obamacare tried to take some of the elements of Switzerland’s health care, but they did not go far enough. I do think there are good models that work, that are out there. But we’re stuck in this intractable conflict between different political worldviews. We’re not looking for the win-win-win solutions. We’re looking for win-lose solutions — my way or the highway. And it’s created a lot of anger, a lot of disappointment, a lot of frustration. "
He wasn't "pointing to aspects" as you infer... but literally saying that the two stand out examples of the most successful healthcare systems in the world are Singapore and Switzerland.
Good effort, but probably just easier to say you don't agree with him.