For the love of God please tell me we have somebody smart enough to know the fan base would buy these in a heartbeat. I'd love for them to sell these with Dehere and Morton on them. I will buy a home and away throwback jersey Saturday if they are on sale. Dear Seton Hall I am trying to give you my money.
We should just stick with them. Classy and unique for this day and age.
I expected to see you sitting at a console like a trader with multiple screens each tied into different information sources monitoring the collegiate basketball internet world!
If your trying to give money, you can always just cut a check to the school or pirate blue. You won't get a jersey though.For the love of God please tell me we have somebody smart enough to know the fan base would buy these in a heartbeat. I'd love for them to sell these with Dehere and Morton on them. I will buy a home and away throwback jersey Saturday if they are on sale. Dear Seton Hall I am trying to give you my money.