Oh Joe


All Universe
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001
so was he illegal at the time? creating jobs doesn't mean he wasn't illegal. sounds like you think illegal immigrants can be productive members of society?

hmm that cant be right
so was he illegal at the time? creating jobs doesn't mean he wasn't illegal. sounds like you think illegal immigrants can be productive members of society?

hmm that cant be right
He was here on a student visa and started his first company. That lost on you?
He was here on a student visa and started his first company. That lost on you?

He cheated the system. He was not here legally because he was on a student visa and he did not enroll in school. He knew he was breaking the law but didn’t care.

Not a huge deal, just shining a light on some hypocrisy.
He cheated the system. He was not here legally because he was on a student visa and he did not enroll in school. He knew he was breaking the law but didn’t care.

Not a huge deal, just shining a light on some hypocrisy.
If Musk was supporting Kamala would Joe bring this issue up?
If Musk was supporting Kamala would Joe bring this issue up?

No, but Biden’s not the one running the anti immigration campaign.

That’s the point. Trump making immigration his number one issue while using someone who broke rules to stay in the US as his surrogate is quite hypocritical.
No, but Biden’s not the one running the anti immigration campaign.

That’s the point. Trump making immigration his number one issue while using someone who broke rules to stay in the US as his surrogate is quite hypocritical.
Seems like a real stretch:

“Musk acknowledged his immigration status when he founded Zip2 in a 2005 email to Tesla co-founders Martin Eberhard and JB Straubel revealed in a lawsuit, where he explained he applied to Stanford to stay in the U.S. legally, according to the Post.”
Seems like a real stretch:

“Musk acknowledged his immigration status when he founded Zip2 in a 2005 email to Tesla co-founders Martin Eberhard and JB Straubel revealed in a lawsuit, where he explained he applied to Stanford to stay in the U.S. legally, according to the Post.”

He dropped out 2 days after he enrolled. He did not have a work permit. His brother said they were here illegally, Elon said it’s a grey area.

He clearly skirted the rules. You saying you’d be ok if students from South America dropped out after two days but stayed in the country anyway when the only reason they were supposed to be here was for education?
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He dropped out 2 days after he enrolled. He did not have a work permit. His brother said they were here illegally, Elon said it’s a grey area.

He clearly skirted the rules. You saying you’d be ok if students from South America dropped out after two days but stayed in the country anyway when the only reason they were supposed to be here was for education?
Missing the point….making the point about Musk being an illegal alien when he started a company used the visa to stay seems silly when comparing to what the real problem is. The whole story is more desperation because they can’t get their messaging straight.
No, but Biden’s not the one running the anti immigration campaign.

That’s the point. Trump making immigration his number one issue while using someone who broke rules to stay in the US as his surrogate is quite hypocritical.
Trump isn’t anti immigration, he’s looking for other countries smartest candidates. He’s anti illegal immigration big difference, I got to figure Elon did not get a free cell phone and healthcare. He was checked out in order to get a student visa. He did not come in with a criminal record looking for handouts. Personally believe that people who are here working off the books obeying our laws should be given the opportunity to become citizens. Our current problem is the recent 10 million migrants most of which we have no idea about. If the 10 million recent migrants applied for student visa’s and were checked out most Americans would be OK with that.
Trump isn’t anti immigration, he’s looking for other countries smartest candidates. He’s anti illegal immigration big difference, I got to figure Elon did not get a free cell phone and healthcare. He was checked out in order to get a student visa. He did not come in with a criminal record looking for handouts. Personally believe that people who are here working off the books obeying our laws should be given the opportunity to become citizens. Our current problem is the recent 10 million migrants most of which we have no idea about. If the 10 million recent migrants applied for student visa’s and were checked out most Americans would be OK with that.

I appreciate your nuanced view, but there are millions of people in the US who came in legally with a Visa but didn’t leave when they should have. Millions who did not have a criminal record and were “checked out” as a Visa was authorized.

They took advantage of us and stayed. Musk would have been required to leave within a couple months after withdrawing from school. He took advantage of us and stayed.

It’s obviously not a big deal, but the small quip does show a little hypocrisy in a time when people are talking about mass deportation but not defining who they would deport.

And as I have said here several times, I think Trump would be better for controlling the border than Harris but I don’t like his anti immigrant rhetoric (poisoning the blood of our country, etc) and I believe people who have been here for years if not decades at this point, who have lived normal lives, and not committed any crime should be given a path to citizenship.
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Hall85 just absolute mental gymnastics per usual. his brain just cant comprehend. funny part hes the one who started the post.

musk cheated the system, was here illegally, and heavily supporting the big anti immigration candidate.

but the real takeaway from his comment is that illegal immigrants can be great for america.
Hall85 just absolute mental gymnastics per usual. his brain just cant comprehend. funny part hes the one who started the post.

musk cheated the system, was here illegally, and heavily supporting the big anti immigration candidate.

but the real takeaway from his comment is that illegal immigrants can be great for america.
Morning troll post…lol
He cheated the system. He was not here legally because he was on a student visa and he did not enroll in school. He knew he was breaking the law but didn’t care.

Not a huge deal, just shining a light on some hypocrisy.
He gamed the system the same way billionaires game the tax system and people game the healthcare system, and every system we have. It's time to admit our systems suck. Trump played the tax system. Let's not pretend he's the only one. Musk played the immigration system. Let's not pretend he's the only one. He came here legally, just not doing what he was supposed to be doing, and nobody checking on him. How do we let people in on the honor system? Insane. Student visa without being signed up for school and we allow it. How? You're insane to point a finger at Musk while not pointing a thumb right back at ourselves for our own negligence. Can anyone just sign up for a student visa and not go to school? Sure sounds like it. These immigrants coming in today play the system, how many are checked on before their court date. None. If the systems are this bad we have to stop putting full blame on the people who play them and add a lot of blame to those who set them up or those who refuse to adjust them. It's borderline criminal to let them off the hook. Trump's first presidency they fought him on everything he wanted to do. Talk about hypocrisy, imagine if democrats weren't calling borders racist 8 years ago we could've all worked together. Issue might be 25 or 50 percent less today. Funny how Kamala is advocating for something she once called un-American, yet her values haven't changed.
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I appreciate your nuanced view, but there are millions of people in the US who came in legally with a Visa but didn’t leave when they should have. Millions who did not have a criminal record and were “checked out” as a Visa was authorized.

They took advantage of us and stayed. Musk would have been required to leave within a couple months after withdrawing from school. He took advantage of us and stayed.

It’s obviously not a big deal, but the small quip does show a little hypocrisy in a time when people are talking about mass deportation but not defining who they would deport.

And as I have said here several times, I think Trump would be better for controlling the border than Harris but I don’t like his anti immigrant rhetoric (poisoning the blood of our country, etc) and I believe people who have been here for years if not decades at this point, who have lived normal lives, and not committed any crime should be given a path to citizenship.
I agree with you about people who are living here and raising their families being given a path to citizenship. There are lots of really good people living amongst us that should not be forced to live in the shadows. I also agree Trump goes to far with the rhetoric but unlike you I believe he probably feels the same way about the good people living amongst us getting citizenship. Obama had his chance to do this when Dems had control of house and senate but never acted. I would love to see Trump create a path for citizenship for good people at the same as removing the bad. I’m a born optimist but you never know. I also think people coming in on student visa’s who are checked is a lot better than people coming in unchecked.
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I agree with you about people who are living here and raising their families being given a path to citizenship. There are lots of really good people living amongst us that should not be forced to live in the shadows.

Agreed 100%

I also agree Trump goes to far with the rhetoric but unlike you I believe he probably feels the same way about the good people living amongst us getting citizenship.

Yeah, I wish I shared your optimism there but I haven’t seen anything from him to suggest that. The poisoning of our blood or the Us being the garbage can of the world? How can you possibly believe he would change his rhetoric and promote some kind of amnesty?

Obama had his chance to do this when Dems had control of house and senate but never acted.

Same with Trump and his Republican majority. He could have pushed amnesty in exchange for his wall but he didn’t.

On this issue specifically I think you and I have a lot in common. I just don’t buy that Harris or Trump would agree with our view.
Man, this guy is a disaster.

This Puerto Rico thing had the Trump campaign on the defensive, and Joe Biden goes out there and puts his foot in his mouth and now Republicans have a chance to change the narrative. Good job, Joe!
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Man, this guy is a disaster.

This Puerto Rico thing had the Trump campaign on the defensive, and Joe Biden goes out there and puts his foot in his mouth and now Republicans have a chance to change the narrative. Good job, Joe!

A comedian making a bad joke vs the President of the United States who was going to be a president for all Americans thinks about half of them are garbage. Then he goes to the Twitter and pretends he was only talking about a singular person.

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