Would have to respectfully disagree with this comment.
Personally I believe you learn more from losing than you do from winning.
Dan, I'm actually okay with you disagreeing with this comment. I used to hold this position rather strongly.
Some years ago, an extraordinary artist I know asked me, what is the best practice for winning, and I responded, practice and make mistakes and practice some more.
He chided me rather strongly and said, your practice must be perfect in order to play perfectly.
I thought long and hard about this, wrestled with it, and over the years, my friend's wisdom won me over.
You must crush it in practice and win, in order to know how to win.
You NEVER learn to win from losing. Only from winning.
So - we will disagree - you will NEVER convince me of your position - because I used to hold it and have changed PERMANENTLY to the other position.
That said, nothing I'm saying is said with rancor, because (1) you are a fine man and (2) I am quite fond of you and appreciate you, so this is just dialogue amongst friends.
But - I will not be convinced. You only learn to win by winning.
There - please do have the last word, my friend.