I think it was determined that he was simply a horse's hindquarters.Originally posted by Bobbie Solo:
did they ever get to the bottom of what happened in Vermont? was he on medication? did he have a few too many earlier in the day? Or was he just trying a diff. angle with his persona to come off more funny/likeable & it went wrong? that was way more embarrassing than his forgetful moment last night, although that was cringeworthy too.
Originally posted by bluerock:
An embarassing moment for Perry. But let's not forget that Obama visited all 57 states while campaigning for office. I guess he got the Ketchup and the country confused. Agreed, it's a weak GOP field though.
Originally posted by bluerock:
Gingrich knows more than all of them put together. Unfortunately a shakey past would probably doom him. He would chew Obama to bits in a debate .It was Gingrich's congress where Clinton registered many victories.
Originally posted by HALL85:
Another sad commentary that we are more consumed with sound bytes over substance. Perry is not my choice, but his flub has nothing to do with it. Having had an eloquent President who has been a three year flub is more concerning to me.