Pedestrian Deaths

For example:

“The number of pedestrian fatalities fell from 5952 to 4,628 fatalities between 2010 and 2019. This is a relative decrease of 22%, which is almost equal to the decrease in all road fatalities together in the same period (- 23%). As a result, the proportion of pedestrians has remained almost constant in recent years: 1 in 5 road fatalities in the EU are pedestrians.”

More data by country here.

Considering the large increase is only happening in the US, it’s hard to pinpoint phones as the main cause here.

Studies have shown larger SUVs and trucks are more likely to hit pedestrians and the percentage of those vehicles has increased significantly over the last 10 years, and they are not nearly as prevalent in Europe.

For example:

“The number of pedestrian fatalities fell from 5952 to 4,628 fatalities between 2010 and 2019. This is a relative decrease of 22%, which is almost equal to the decrease in all road fatalities together in the same period (- 23%). As a result, the proportion of pedestrians has remained almost constant in recent years: 1 in 5 road fatalities in the EU are pedestrians.”

More data by country here.

Considering the large increase is only happening in the US, it’s hard to pinpoint phones as the main cause here.

Studies have shown larger SUVs and trucks are more likely to hit pedestrians and the percentage of those vehicles has increased significantly over the last 10 years, and they are not nearly as prevalent in Europe.

Harder to pin them on SUV’s and pickups …they don’t show what that increase is or what percentage of fatalities are from those types of vehicles.

U.S. on the other hand has the highest penetration of cell phone usage in the world.

And the sharp rise in fatalities began with the introduction of the smart phone and its significant adoption. Is there is similar decline into 2010 and then increase of SUV and pickup sales that track with the fatalities?
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Harder to pin them on SUV’s and pickups …they don’t show what that increase is or what percentage of fatalities are from those types of vehicles.

They actually do if you search around a bit.

U.S. on the other hand has the highest penetration of cell phone usage in the world.

And the sharp rise in fatalities began with the introduction of the smart phone and its significant adoption. Is there is similar decline into 2010 and then increase of SUV and pickup sales that track with the fatalities?

That link was filtered by population size so it left out all European countries. Google cell phone penetration in Europe. Many European countries have a higher penetration than that of the US.
Survival as a pedestrian has more to do with speed of vehicle than the size of the vehicle. Most collisions over 25 mph are usually fatal.

There is no singular reason and data conflicts but interesting article on multiple cause’s including cell phone usage.

Also state’s majority of fatalities are still from passenger cars.

Finally, US has laxer laws and penalties for texting and driving than most industrialized nations.
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Not conclusive but does propose the potential for cell phones contributing to the rate.

Not arguing cell phone usage is not a part of it, just odd that this large increase seems to be a uniquely American phenomenon since smart phones were invented?
Not arguing cell phone usage is not a part of it, just odd that this large increase seems to be a uniquely American phenomenon since smart phones were invented?
I have spent a decent amount of time in European countries over the past four years and this is just my perception based on observations and discussions. Laws are stricter, it’s not as acceptable there as it is here, and roads are less forgiving in general. On the other hand, how often do you pass someone here on a highway and see them texting or reading off their phone.
just odd that this large increase seems to be a uniquely American phenomenon

It would be interesting to investigate that.

My experience/observations in France and Italy showed a much different driving/pedestrian culture than the US.

Things like more car free zones (both streets and plazas), more bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, in the cities, and better culture of obeying rules. Simple example was pedestrians waiting at the corner for the pedestrian green light before they crossed a street. This as opposed to NYC where pedestrian signals are treated as a suggestion.

They also tend to not to J-walk. They cross in the designated crosswalks and the drivers are very attentive to stopping when someone is in the crosswalk.

On the cell phone front, Italy has hefty fines for distracted driving.
smart phone use while driving is a problem for sure. including the lax laws. the size of vehicles in the US is also a problem. our vehicles are much larger than in europe and people drive around like their in an invinceable machine without a care for anyone else. i also think the average US person is more rude and selfish than in europe. people drive more aggressively and idiocally. additionally there is a whole crop of young drivers that barely have to know how to drive to pass the watered down test since covid. for a while they only had to do the parallell parking portion. thats it. its a US people problem too.
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