Pirate Hoop Chat

If more add to this thread I'll do it.

If not, I just ask everyone to consolidate and don't create multiple threads.
I think occasional Jets and Giants posts are fine. At least there is a long history of them being tolerated on his board as are ocassion other OT topics of interest. Frank
I'm probably in the minority here, but can the Giants posts be moved to the pro sports board.

I've never complained about threads on here as I subscribe to the "if you don't like it, don't read it" school of thinking. But even for me the constant Giants threads are too much. There is a pro sports board to discuss that if you want. I agree with the original poster.
Im a philly fan and think all of the ny sports talk is perfectly fine. People post on this board to have discussion with the posters, because believe it or not ITS A GREAT BOARD TO READ.
As a former Giant fan, hey living in KC for about 20 years can do that to you, I don't care if a Giants thread appears in this forum on two (2) conditions:
<><><>1. please use the OT designation since the Giants of late are awful. Watching them is painful enough.
<><><>2. Never post a Jets thread even if it has an OT designation. (Sorry Tom)!

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