Policing and the community


All Universe
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001
I had an opportunity yesterday to have breakfast with two African American community leaders. One is an executive for a local company and the other is the President of a foundation who also serves on several boards and was the local head of the NAACP chapter for a number of years (and an accomplished business person). The meeting had to do with an initiative that is being worked on to improve education and graduation rates.

Near the end of breakfast, I asked about their views on community policing, their perspective locally and solutions. I was a little embarrassed to find out that the second gentlemen has been intimately involved on this topic for decades. The city is 40% minority and most of the violence is gang related (drugs and gang v gang). He was very proud of the state of race relations and rattled off a number of initiatives that he had helped drive including community engagement, introducing the police into schools and community organizations and events to children at a young age. Relationships at all levels of law enforcement and the community. He added over the years, when there is a problem with an officer, the community and police handle it and have confidence in the oversight. The most surprising thing he said was that they do not share what they are doing with the local print or MSM. He said their experience was that they wanted to sensationalize the actions and it did more harm than good. They other leader chimed in that he was dismayed this year that they shared what he thought was a great community interest story which ended up with a headline that was meant to divide.
Not surprised. My mother had multiple care givers over the past five years. Three of them live in the city of Philly. All African American and wonderful, salt of the earth people doing a tough job for not enough pay. I had conversations with two of them in the past few months about living in the city and what their thoughts were on the policing issues. Both did not hesitate and said we want more police not less and they said things have gotten worse for their neighborhoods since all of this started. Both also fought to get their kids in charter schools because they cannot stand the city schools and have had much better experiences with charters in keeping their kids safe and helping them learn. It is very interesting when you speak to actual citizens in the trenches what you learn. I let them both talk and did not lead them in any way. I'm not saying charters are the total answer or policing does not need to improve, just saying if you watch the news or listen to some, you would think all people of color hate the police and also charter schools are the devil.
Not surprised. My mother had multiple care givers over the past five years. Three of them live in the city of Philly. All African American and wonderful, salt of the earth people doing a tough job for not enough pay. I had conversations with two of them in the past few months about living in the city and what their thoughts were on the policing issues. Both did not hesitate and said we want more police not less and they said things have gotten worse for their neighborhoods since all of this started. Both also fought to get their kids in charter schools because they cannot stand the city schools and have had much better experiences with charters in keeping their kids safe and helping them learn. It is very interesting when you speak to actual citizens in the trenches what you learn. I let them both talk and did not lead them in any way. I'm not saying charters are the total answer or policing does not need to improve, just saying if you watch the news or listen to some, you would think all people of color hate the police and also charter schools are the devil.
I’ve had dozens of these conversations over the years with inner city moms and grand moms. Teachers union is failing minorities and really doesn’t care about changing the largest flow of money known to man. Bigger than google, amazon and apple combined, the educational business is not about kids but all about money. I’ve was actively involved with 2 black women trying to start a charter school and saw first hand the opposition, death threats and all...Super eye opening experience for me, money in education is off the charts. So much money most readers heads would be spinning. Teachers union owns the Democratic Party so you know first hand why nothing ever gets done. Selling the children out just like the slaves in typical hypocritical fashion. Follow the money and you will understand race in America today.
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2 cops shot in Louisville last night. Animals were out in full force doing their looting and burning because a grand jury if their peers used the evidence to make a decision, imagine that. Time to enforce when they loot we shoot, before every major city is a burned out wasteland.
I’ve had dozens of these conversations over the years with inner city moms and grand moms. Teachers union is failing minorities and really doesn’t care about changing the largest flow of money known to man. Bigger than google, amazon and apple combined, the educational business is not about kids but all about money. I’ve was actively involved with 2 black women trying to start a charter school and saw first hand the opposition, death threats and all...Super eye opening experience for me, money in education is off the charts. So much money most readers heads would be spinning. Teachers union owns the Democratic Party so you know first hand why nothing ever gets done. Selling the children out just like the slaves in typical hypocritical fashion. Follow the money and you will understand race in America today.
I hear this argument about the teachers unions ruining public education in this state. Yet, NJ always ranks near the top of the country in terms of the quality of education. While you may point out isolated and anecdotal stories, something must be going well when it’s ranked so high.
I hear this argument about the teachers unions ruining public education in this state. Yet, NJ always ranks near the top of the country in terms of the quality of education. While you may point out isolated and anecdotal stories, something must be going well when it’s ranked so high.
It’s a national issue
NJ at top but the ceiling is low
Many stories are available to hear with their personal testimonies, some of them said to be not good and others very positive. Still society needs to be leaded by people who know their field to manage sports and other fields that develop and increase every individual the best qualities not mentioning such big areas like police departments or sport categories, even workers in offices. Everything should be under the influence of social groups, to discuss and manage all things on their right places. This is what many schools are missing for example in comparison with Japan, first few initial classes they don’t learn math, but learn how to a person with shaped moralities that forms a person. On YouTube and google generally are many positive reviews and more about creating and directing peoples desires to the right path.
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