Remember on this day Father Charles Watters

A Medal of Honor winner.

From the Congressional Medal of Honor Society: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Chaplain Watters distinguished himself during an assault in the vicinity of Dak To. Chaplain Watters was moving with one of the companies when it engaged a heavily armed enemy battalion. As the battle raged and the casualties mounted, Chaplain Watters, with complete disregard for his safety, rushed forward to the line of contact. Unarmed and completely exposed, he moved among, as well as in front of, the advancing troops, giving aid to the wounded, assisting in their evacuation, giving words of encouragement, and administering the last rites to the dying. When a wounded paratrooper was standing in shock in front of the assaulting forces, Chaplain Watters ran forward, picked the man up on his shoulders, and carried him to safety. As the troopers battled to the first enemy entrenchment, Chaplain Watters ran through the intense enemy fire to the front of the entrenchment to aid a fallen comrade. A short time later, the paratroopers pulled back in preparation for a second assault, Chaplain Watters exposed himself to both friendly and enemy fire between the two forces in order to recover two wounded soldiers. Later, when the battalion was forced to pull back into a perimeter, Chaplain Watters noticed that several wounded soldiers were lying outside the newly formed perimeter. Without hesitation and ignoring attempts to restrain him, Chaplain Watters left the perimeter three times in the face of small-arms, automatic-weapons, and mortar fire to carry and to assist the injured troopers to safety. Satisfied that all of the wounded were inside the perimeter, he began aiding the medics[--applying field bandages to open wounds, obtaining and serving food and water, giving spiritual and mental strength and comfort. During his ministering, he moved out to the perimeter from position to position redistributing food and water and tending to the needs of his men. Chaplain Watters was giving aid to the wounded when he himself was mortally wounded. Chaplain Watters' unyielding perseverance and selfless devotion to his comrades was in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.
The Bishops have buildings named after them. I think Fr Watters deserves a prominent place on campus.
A true American and Seton Hall treasure..... we should keep his memory alive... especially on Memorial Day but not only on Memorial Day. I would imagine the ROTC's on campus would have some thoughts on this. HallX2's post should be taken seriously. The SHU leadership should be petitioned. I'd be happy to write Msgr Reilly.
Truly amazing. I had never heard of him before. And I just watched the MASH tribute, which further reinforced for me the courage and sacrifice made by our medics, doctors, nurses and chaplains who served at or near the front lines. God bless them and thank you for sharing this.
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In a Catholic college a grad becomes a priest, loses his life in war as a hero and receives the nation ‘s highest honor and yet he is virtually unknown to the SHU community at large. Something is wrong with how we honor our heroes.

I do know the ROTC program knows the story and honors him. But he should honored in all corners of the University.

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