SCOTUS ends affirmative action in college admissions

I don't see why this is controversial. Aren't most people in this country against discrimination and preferential treatment based on race?
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Apparently the left side of the court isn't.

There's nuance here.

Harvard for example gives points if you are a legacy applicant or are a family member of a donor. The far majority of those applicants are white and well beyond that of their general applicants. Those primarily white students have an advantage over general applicants.

Harvard can't then consider that they are continuously providing advantages for white students by considering race in the general population to make up for that advantage?

Can a school value diversity of their student body as a net benefit to the institutions long term goals?
Agree or disagree with that idea, I'm not sure what things look like in the long term now that they can't.
The progressives on the court and progressives in general always need victims to battle.White male population is 30% of total US population but they feel the other 70% must be protected against this white privelege which will never go away in their view even if it goes to less than 25%.Don’t blame the schools who have failed to make a lot of students incapable of getting in some colleges.
After all teachers Union one of the biggest contributors to democratic party.Didn’t Marty King say we should not be judged by the color of our skin.
How about giving parents school choice which some states have done.That would go a long way toward solving the problem ,but bought and paid for dem politicians by teachers unions can’t put kids first so sad so phony,but continues their cry of racism that must be corrected by reverse discrimination.Forget about Asians in particular who qualified but were denied entry because college needed that seat for a less qualified student who was a minority,that doesn’t seem to matter for the race hustlers.
The US has changed dramatically in the 60+ years of Affirmative Action. Mixed race marriages have dramatically increased and in many cases we are in the second or third generation of them. Color and race are blurred even though the MSM and extremists want to use race as a wedge issue.

We are a melting pot now so the concept of AA has outlived its purpose.

I do worry that the extremists, taking a stand will cause even more hate crimes by Blacks on the Asian community.
College is the wrong place to try to make up for the failings of inner city K-12 education.

Our company entire funds and operates a K-8 private school for inner city disadvantage kids. We took them form 2-3 grades behind reading level to all achieving at or above grade level.

Inner city disadvantage brown and black kids can learn. They are smart. They just need to be taught properly. Address the teachers union and the bureaucracy of inner city public education.

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College is the wrong place to try to make up for the failings of inner city K-12 education.

Our company entire funds and operates a K-8 private school for inner city disadvantage kids. We took them form 2-3 grades behind reading level to all achieving at or above grade level.

Inner city disadvantage brown and black kids can learn. They are smart. They just need to be taught properly. Address the teachers union and the bureaucracy of inner city public education.

That's a great program and it underscores that the solutions need to happen at the community level. The urban public schools here (as you know) have terrible graduation rates and much of that is a result of the teachers union, poor oversight and politics. A community first needs to acknowledge that it has a problem and step away from the fingerprinting and control issues. As we have seen public/private partnerships...a community working together is the best path forward. Very encouraged by many programs we are seeing in this area that are addressing it head-on. It takes leadership on the local level to make that happen...which is why it is happening.
People continue to try to blame the schools for lack of quality education in inner cities. I have several friends that have taught in the inner city and also in affluent suburbs. The stories they have told me are heart breaking. There were 14 and 15 year old girls that would come to my friends in tears because their mothers were forcing them to get pregnant so the mother can collect more handouts from the govt. On back to school night in the rich neighborhoods, the class was full. Usually consisting of both parents. In the cities, there only a handful of parents. This went on year after year. Parents need to get involved with their kids education and not just blame the system. We also need to read the studies of how children in two parent houses preform way higher than kids in single (usually only a mother) parents houses.
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Allentown School district spends $15K per student K-12

Allentown Central Catholic High School spends $12K at the high school level.

K-8 is around $6K per student.

It works out to around $7.4K per student K-12. (Versus $15K in the public school)

Central has a ~100% graduation rate with 99% going to college or entering the military.

Even if you a factor in public schools having to provide for specials needs I can't imagine that justifies twice the cost.

Public teacher salaries and benefits vs. Catholic school salaried are not close. The teachers union has done a great job for the teachers but has left the students high and dry.

Starting salaries in the ASD is $54K vs around $40K in the Catholic schools.

I personally saw the administrative bloat when I did some consulting work for the ASD.
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the honus and responsibility is on the school. if they fail theyll get called out for it
Allentown School district spends $15K per student K-12

Allentown Central Catholic High School spends $12K at the high school level.

K-8 is around $6K per student.

It works out to around $7.4K per student K-12. (Versus $15K in the public school)

Central has a ~100% graduation rate with 99% going to college or entering the military.

Even if you a factor in public schools having to provide for specials needs I can't imagine that justifies twice the cost.

Public teacher salaries and benefits vs. Catholic school salaried are not close. The teachers union has done a great job for the teachers but has left the students high and dry.

Starting salaries in the ASD is $54K vs around $40K in the Catholic schools.

I personally saw the administrative bloat when I did some consulting work for the ASD.
Interesting stats, but not sure of your point.

Is it that public school teachers earning $54,000 are paid too much? Should Catholic school teachers be paid more? if so, pay them. Not familiar with Allentown, but a quick glance shows the Catholic high school has 650 students while its public counterpart has more than 1,100.
The former can choose whom to accept, and can expell kids. If Catholic schools are as good a deal as many suggest, they wouldn't be closing at such prodigious rates.
Interesting stats, but not sure of your point.

Is it that public school teachers earning $54,000 are paid too much? Should Catholic school teachers be paid more? if so, pay them. Not familiar with Allentown, but a quick glance shows the Catholic high school has 650 students while its public counterpart has more than 1,100.
The former can choose whom to accept, and can expell kids. If Catholic schools are as good a deal as many suggest, they wouldn't be closing at such prodigious rates.
I’ll let him speak for himself but to me it comes down to parents placing value o an education

if you aren’t going to parent teacher night or taking an interest, and have the schools performing, and surprise, Alicia.

The Catholic schools he wanted to have extremely high graduation rates and growing admissions. Parents are wanting to spend money because they value the education.

Maybe in areas where those Catholic schools are closing, the demographics have changed. If parents do not value a the education, they certainly are not going to pay the tuition.

We have good friends, who have retired to Florida, who were both teachers in the Irvington school district for decades. Parents not showing up was the least of their problems. Kids not getting fed, barely clothed and abused.

I am very familiar with the Allentown school District, that he speaks of. In some cultures as soon as you’re 16, you’re expected to drop out and start working. You could be starting your senior year and drop out on your birthday…because you can. Parents put more pressure to drop out then to stay in school.

I know it's anecdotal, but here's a great local story that supports the nurture vs. nature and having parental guidance and support.

Two of the nicest and brightest young men you will ever meet and behind them is a mother (who happens to be a Sociology Professor at Lehigh) who instilled hard work, education, respect and a whole bunch of other values. And they went to an inner-city (Freedom) public high school.
Regarding my point, I think it is obvious.

I am not advocating Catholic education. It could be Buddhist schools for all I care as long as they teach.

My point is that there are schools (which just happen to be Catholic) that can achieve excellent results with half the money and with inner city kids (Brown and black, low income).

A secondary point is the teacher's union is great at getting sweet deals for their members while the children remain uneducated.

What business would survive with a 23% product defect rate?

Public schools, like the federal government have become bloated and self serving rather than serving the people or serving the students.
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I tried awhile back to help a chartered school get started in Montclair founded by two African American women who were teachers. What an eye opening experience, first to realized the amount of money in education and secondly to witness the attacks from the board of Ed. I had a group of investors that was going to buy the building for the chartered school. They were going to get $12,600 per kid and had room for 200 students. (2.5 million per year)After paying the teachers, supplies etc..they had enough to pay off the building in 3 years. After paying for the building they would have an excess of over $500,000 per year, but my kid was being told there was not enough money for baseball uniforms at the public school which received $14,000 per kid. We are being scammed and cheated, I can tell you first hand. Education is the best business model going.
Don’t worry Biden pledges a way to get around the decision.You only respect the rule of law if you agree with the decision is his legal framework otherwise you imply court is illegitimate.I understand his view and Schumer who also only respects the rule of law.if he agrees with the decision.It is sore loser and childlike but that is how the dems role blame maga republicans for everything they disagree with.I wonder if mentally disabled Joe will next forgive auto loans It is surprising how many economically illiterate people there are and some actually have been interviewed and said they didn’t think forgiving student debt cost anything.They will ever keep us humble.

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