Apparently the left side of the court isn't.
That's a great program and it underscores that the solutions need to happen at the community level. The urban public schools here (as you know) have terrible graduation rates and much of that is a result of the teachers union, poor oversight and politics. A community first needs to acknowledge that it has a problem and step away from the fingerprinting and control issues. As we have seen public/private partnerships...a community working together is the best path forward. Very encouraged by many programs we are seeing in this area that are addressing it head-on. It takes leadership on the local level to make that happen...which is why it is happening.College is the wrong place to try to make up for the failings of inner city K-12 education.
Our company entire funds and operates a K-8 private school for inner city disadvantage kids. We took them form 2-3 grades behind reading level to all achieving at or above grade level.
Inner city disadvantage brown and black kids can learn. They are smart. They just need to be taught properly. Address the teachers union and the bureaucracy of inner city public education.
Asian-American Harvard Admits Earned Highest Average SAT Score of Any Racial Group From 1995 to 2013 | News | The Harvard Crimson
Over an 18-year period stretching from 1995 to 2013, Asian-American students admitted to Harvard scored higher on the SAT than did their peer admits from other racial groups, according to data released in the admissions
Interesting stats, but not sure of your point.Allentown School district spends $15K per student K-12
Allentown Central Catholic High School spends $12K at the high school level.
K-8 is around $6K per student.
It works out to around $7.4K per student K-12. (Versus $15K in the public school)
Central has a ~100% graduation rate with 99% going to college or entering the military.
Even if you a factor in public schools having to provide for specials needs I can't imagine that justifies twice the cost.
Public teacher salaries and benefits vs. Catholic school salaried are not close. The teachers union has done a great job for the teachers but has left the students high and dry.
Starting salaries in the ASD is $54K vs around $40K in the Catholic schools.
I personally saw the administrative bloat when I did some consulting work for the ASD.
I’ll let him speak for himself but to me it comes down to parents placing value o an educationInteresting stats, but not sure of your point.
Is it that public school teachers earning $54,000 are paid too much? Should Catholic school teachers be paid more? if so, pay them. Not familiar with Allentown, but a quick glance shows the Catholic high school has 650 students while its public counterpart has more than 1,100.
The former can choose whom to accept, and can expell kids. If Catholic schools are as good a deal as many suggest, they wouldn't be closing at such prodigious rates.