Hope I'm not opening Pandora's box here but the frequent and strong berating is pretty hard to watch. Make no mistake, I am still a Sha fan. But I really wonder if this stuff is affecting some of the players. I can't presume to get into the mind of a 20 year old, but at some point does a kid just check out ? Not directly analagous to our team situarion, but late in my working career i worked for someone who routinely found fault with what I did or recommended. I was near retirement time and finally concluded, to hell with them. I'll just kep doing what I think is right and if they don't like it, fine. I'll be outta here soon anyway. Maybe in the NIL era some of these players take that type of view...let him scream his a** off at me 'cause I'm going somewhere else next year. At a minimum, Sha might thi nk about dialing it back a bit. Nobody likes being screamed at on TV...even it's only Peacock.