So Tomorrow is the Board of Regents meeting


Nov 9, 2005
At least that's what I've read here. So I'm not giving up on the idea they'll do the right thing and fire Willard. If it doesn't come by end of business tomorrow it must actually not be coming. Since the season ended I've been coming up with reasons why they wouldn't make the move yet, but after tomorrow I've got nothing.
The more I think about it and the more I talk to some people, SHU should make a preemptive strike and hire Bobby Hurley.

Next year Willard's buyout make get smaller but other head coaches' buyouts may get higher. Six of one, half dozen of another.
you're probably better off not even knowing this meeting is happening since nothing is going to happen.
I was hoping that Bobbys name being floated with Depaul lights a fire under the BOR's collective asses to do something and consider him.
After our total collapse this season and with Willard not being able to control it, and with Willard's actions at the BET. There is no way you csn keep him, even with the buyout. If we do SHU basketball will be sunk.