You have to read the Star-Ledger/ editorials. That’s where they are at.
Another thing that they do is ignore, or really, really avoid certain issues, like the Biden “You ain’t black” thing last week. Also when the Supreme Court unanimously overturned the Bridgegate convictions because of the misuse of the law to prosecute. The key in that was the 9-0 vote. Too often they are silent, or at least very, very quiet, when news narrative isn’t in their favor. Sometimes the things you don’t say are more glaring than the things that you do opine on. That’s true for media on all sides.That’s often the deal with their stuff. Another example was when the state settled for $1 million worth of taxpayer dollars for Murphy’s guy Alvarez to settle with the campaign worker who claimed she was sexually assaulted. Conversely, they’ll cherry pick national issues like they did recently when Wisconsin insisted on an in-person primary vote. That’s certainly suitable for a national publication like the N.Y. Times or Washington Post, but there’s really no reason for it to be in a local paper in New Jersey, especially when we are in the midst of a pandemic affecting OUR state, unless you are pushing an agenda (which Whitmer himself admitted their editorials do in that piece he wrote). But the most puzzling thing is that if you are resorting to asking readers for donations because business is so bad, why turn off so many of them with your content? It’s not the smartest tactic when you are trying to survive.
An area where they’ll say they are more centrist is when it comes to New Jersey politics, especially NJ Democratic Party politics. There’s a lot of friction with the Murphy camp and the Sweeney/Norcross crowd to the South and the Adubato/DiVincenzo faction in the North. The Ledger is strongly anti-Norcross and DiVincenzo, and as much as they want to constantly side with Murphy, he makes it tough for them because his lack of governing experience is often apparent, and it will show in how they editorialize it. But that’s more politics, and specifically down and dirty NJ politics, than it is core beliefs.