Trump has now admitted he revealed classified information to the Russians. As a country we cannot have this reckless behavior as a president. Trump is a Traitor.
cern, seriously, do you just look to recycle these Trump must go post every two weeks with a different angle? Let's face it. He's not going anywhere.Trump has now admitted he revealed classified information to the Russians. As a country we cannot have this reckless behavior as a president. Trump is a Traitor.
cern, seriously, do you just look to recycle these Trump must go post every two weeks with a different angle? Let's face it. He's not going anywhere.
I'm no fan of his, but these analogies in the MSM to Hitler, Putin and now Nixon are really pathetic.
cern, seriously, do you just look to recycle these Trump must go post every two weeks with a different angle? Let's face it. He's not going anywhere.
It offends me that both parties have failed us and couldn't come up with candidates that were fit to be President. It also offends me that the MSM has gone off the rails and accurate reporting has left the building. He's our President and I'm trying to be objective both good and bad. He does stuff which makes me shake my head, but I also am smart enough to realize he has pissed a lot of people off (rightly and wrongly) so I have to put my bull-shit filter on when I see what he is doing or read a "news" story.Yes, because every week there is something else that shows he is incompetent. He just keeps outdoing himself. And no, I don't accept that he will fulfill his term. WE are living in too dangerous of a time to have someone this incompetent and reckless to be in the White House. This should offend every American. This is beyond politics.
Are you just numb to it all or you just don't care?
Not covering my eyes, but you should check your partisan colored glasses. Both parties hated Comey and please tell me you thought he was doing a great job leading the FBI. How does his firing impede the collusion investigations especially if you consider some of the candidates for taking Comey's place?This is the least active this board has been in the last 8 years...During a time when the white house is plagued with controversy.
Trump gives classified Intel to the Russians after he fires the head of the FBI who was in charge of investigating him for collusion with Russia and you think 2 threads started by Cern is too much? We should just cover our eyes and ignore what is happening? Ignore the lessons that history has taught us?
For someone that is not a fan of Trump, you are certainly A LOT more forgiving than you were of Obama... who you criticized on this board FAR more than Cern has criticized Trump.
There is plenty of readily available information to understand what is happening in current events, whether it pertains to the President or any other issue. To complain about the MSM is evidence of a weak mind.
Don't confuse quantity with quality. Sure there's a lot available, but you have to de-spin it.There is plenty of readily available information to understand what is happening in current events, whether it pertains to the President or any other issue. To complain about the MSM is evidence of a weak mind.
Not covering my eyes, but you should check your partisan colored glasses. Both parties hated Comey and please tell me you thought he was doing a great job leading the FBI. How does his firing impede the collusion investigations especially if you consider some of the candidates for taking Comey's place?
Obama had a lot to criticize in 8 years. Let's be honest here. Obama and Congress' inaction and poor leadership spawned Trump. I've been critical of Trump on several issues in other threads, and it's only four months in, so check your glasses again.
Not covering my eyes, but you should check your partisan colored glasses. Both parties hated Comey and please tell me you thought he was doing a great job leading the FBI. How does his firing impede the collusion investigations especially if you consider some of the candidates for taking Comey's place?
Obama had a lot to criticize in 8 years. Let's be honest here. Obama and Congress' inaction and poor leadership spawned Trump. I've been critical of Trump on several issues in other threads, and it's only four months in, so check your glasses again.
I have never seen a president so brazenly attacked by the media day after day as much than this one. The media is out of control and out to get this president.
Is he perfect? Absolutely not. He's been quite average to date in my view, some great things, some poor. But the agenda of the mainstream media is insane. Everything this guy does is criticized or blown out of proportion, often unnecessarily.
When a major newspaper has "Democracy Dies in Darkness" plastered across its website, it's almost impossible to take them seriously. I mean, they aren't even afraid to reveal their agenda anymore. Absurd.
The attacks all come from self-inflicted wounds from Trump. Trump causes all his own issues. Trump needs to stop blaming the media and focus on the man in the mirror.
How has Trump proven he is "unfit" for the job? I would love to know.
What is the definition of being "fit to lead" or "fit for the job?"
A lot of your post seems to indicate you disagreed with the way he handled certain moments. You may not like that, but you must recognize that it's your opinion that he is "unfit" for the job. Many millions of Americans would disagree with you.
Isn't it great that the Russians had a recording device inside the Oval Office? What a great idea!Good news, Putin has a transcript of the Russian meeting. Good to know he has Trump's back. Now I am mildly nauseous that Russia has a transcript and we do not. Seems odd to me.
Wow. If this is true, we will be near an obstruction charge.
I tend to agree. Can't wait to see Comey testifying under oath, because that is coming at some point. Until then, this is another "breaking story" that is giving the MSM and politicians to beat like a dead horse.The memo on its own is not going to prove obstruction of justice. Trump casually and privately asked for help. Comey documented the event. If in Comey's mind there was clear and undeniable intent to end the investigation on Flynn (I am ordering you to stop the investigation!) the FBI director had no choice but to report that somewhere (elsewhere in the FBI or maybe Congress; I don't know the mechanism).
Assuming that did not happen, there is no obstruction. Comey's subsequent firing in addition to the memo is more problematic but there is no direct line of obstruction.
The memo on its own is not going to prove obstruction of justice. Trump casually and privately asked for help. Comey documented the event. If in Comey's mind there was clear and undeniable intent to end the investigation on Flynn (I am ordering you to stop the investigation!) the FBI director had no choice but to report that somewhere (elsewhere in the FBI or maybe Congress; I don't know the mechanism).
Assuming that did not happen, there is no obstruction. Comey's subsequent firing in addition to the memo is more problematic but there is no direct line of obstruction.
I tend to agree. Can't wait to see Comey testifying under oath, because that is coming at some point. Until then, this is another "breaking story" that is giving the MSM and politicians to beat like a dead horse.
I have never seen a president so brazenly attacked by the media day after day as much than this one. The media is out of control and out to get this president...
When a major newspaper has "Democracy Dies in Darkness" plastered across its website, it's almost impossible to take them seriously. I mean, they aren't even afraid to reveal their agenda anymore. Absurd.
I'm going to respectively disagree that we were "lucky" the NYT/MSM jumped on this. Comey was going to be called to testify and whatever is there was going to come out soon enough. Trump created enemies with the MSM and Intelligence community during the campaign. Smart, because it helped to get him elected. Dumb, because those are two groups that have a lot of resources to retaliate. Too be honest, with all those people pissed off at him, I'm surprised that they haven't gotten anything on him yet, which makes me think he is cleaner than anyone is giving him credit. We will see though.In this case, I happen to think we are lucky the mainstream media and politicians are on this case.
The story is simple- there are allegations that a memo or memos exist which may indicate the President was trying to subtly or overtly influence the FBI director. Perhaps this pattern will rise to the level of obstruction; at this point it is too early to tell.
However, the solution is straight forward. Subpoena the memos and release them. While we are at it we should subpoena the White House tapes, assuming they exist and release those (at least to Congress).
It can be fairly easy to set the record straight.
This is what happens when nobody has credibility.
They have been on Trump's ass since Day 1. Worse than any I've ever seen.
I also do not believe Trump is cutout for this position, either in personality or experience. Thought so all during the campaign and surely now. He's attempting to run the government the same way he ran his private business. And all the bullying, bending, fast-talking, and BS that works with closing real estate deals doesn't work when dealing with government agencies designed to check and balance.
As such, I believe he probably did create some procedural gaffe with the Comey that will likely be found.
I also believe people in his campaign did know Russa was the source of the leaks; they were too entangled not to. Look at the people who served in that campaign from Manafort on down. If they didn't know anything, they must've been altar boys.
But for the liberals, they may have it worse with Pence.
Too be honest, with all those people pissed off at him, I'm surprised that they haven't gotten anything on him yet, which makes me think he is cleaner than anyone is giving him credit.
Sharing intel with the Russians has been refuted.
Seems pretty binary to me that there is someone credible leading the investigation, either Trump is found to have obstructed (or worse) and Pence is up or Trump is cleared and we can hopefully move on.
You would not have been that forgiving with Obama if his campaign had 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians during the campaign, after the Russians successfully influenced the election in his favor.
The reason this is taking time is because they are thorough. This does not at all appear that it will end well for Trump. If there were not trails of breadcrumbs everywhere, it would have been over by now.
Refuted by the white house? lol. That was damage control.
The fact is that Trump said something in the meeting that made a WH official report it to the NSA and CIA. At best, this was Trump boasting about stuff he knows but has no idea that there some information is not to be shared. It is dangerous and will absolutely give our allies pause before they share information with us.
Indeed although I am not sure Pence walks away clean after this as well. Little doubt in my mind that all of them know about Russia helping them... only question is if we can prove collusion or not.
1-How is Obama relevant to the conversation?
2-Did I not say if the find something than let the chips fall where they may? You have to admit there has been a constant trail of "Breaking News" that has so far gone nowhere.
3-Wishful thinking with Pence being in on whatever their might be. Nothing but your partisan colored glasses that gives any indication.