Count me among them.
FWIW, with what we've seen in NYC, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and Portland, among other places, I am astounded that anyone could be stupid or dishonest enough to posit that if Trump wins, there will be violence, when for months we've been subject to violence and lawlessness on a national scale that is clearly the 20- and 30- something white kids who would rather die than vote Republican.
I expect Biden to win, and expect a minimum of that type of behavior from those made unhappy by that fact. Luckily, I think we're going to avoid what would be real chaos would ensue if Trump were to win.
I know a number of media outlets are posting statistics about the violence being NOT the fault of those on the left, but these ubiquitous white supremacists whom we never see in NYC or Philadelphia, who seem to have endless budgets and vacation time to travel the country, goading the justified protesters to violence. It's simply not true, and I say this with some sadness, as I used to rely on the MSM for my news, and they have simply become apologists for the left, complete with fraud, shocking omissions, and social media manipulation of the electorate. Very sad.