This info comes under the category of 'for what it's worth'...
I am a long time fan of the University of Miami football and tonight was listening to a call-in/talk show hosted by a guy named Gary Ferman, who has been following UM sports for 40 years. One caller deviated from football to ask Ferman a basketball question about recruiting and Ferman said he had been at basketball practice that day and Jim Larranaga told him they were close to getting a commitment from a five-star player. A moment later Ferman said the player's name was Earl Timberlake and they were expecting a decision and commitment November 4.
I have no idea if this means anything at all --we have known Miami is in ET's final three for a while now. but I just thought it was interesting to hear this on a Miami show and I thought I'd share.
I am a long time fan of the University of Miami football and tonight was listening to a call-in/talk show hosted by a guy named Gary Ferman, who has been following UM sports for 40 years. One caller deviated from football to ask Ferman a basketball question about recruiting and Ferman said he had been at basketball practice that day and Jim Larranaga told him they were close to getting a commitment from a five-star player. A moment later Ferman said the player's name was Earl Timberlake and they were expecting a decision and commitment November 4.
I have no idea if this means anything at all --we have known Miami is in ET's final three for a while now. but I just thought it was interesting to hear this on a Miami show and I thought I'd share.