A nice gesture --- albeit ripe for NCAA paranoia.
I was once told of a couple who had four children who were financially comfortable (not wealthy). In their (the survivor's) last will & testament, they put significant money into a trust which could ONLY be used to finance the direct participation of the beneficiaries (heirs) in an annual get-together for all of them at a remote location of their collective choosing (subject to the Trust's budget and the trustee's consent).
As a result, their kids, grand-kids and great-grand-kids have all gotten to know and (hopefully) love one-another in a way which often eludes extended progeny in today's hustle-and bustle.
IMHO a loving and significantly-more-meaningful gesture than even, say, a college fund. IMHO most college-suitable individuals --- at least those with understanding parents--- will almost always get a degree, but far too many siblings fall out-of-contact far too easily in a peripatetic society which hangs a price-tag on almost everything.
Just a similar "thoughtful-gesture from the grave" type of act.