To Lighten the Mood - Dean Buys Dinner

wonder if the NCAA will go back and do an investigation to conclude that the timing of his will may have been seen as a recruiting inducement!
A nice gesture --- albeit ripe for NCAA paranoia.

I was once told of a couple who had four children who were financially comfortable (not wealthy). In their (the survivor's) last will & testament, they put significant money into a trust which could ONLY be used to finance the direct participation of the beneficiaries (heirs) in an annual get-together for all of them at a remote location of their collective choosing (subject to the Trust's budget and the trustee's consent).

As a result, their kids, grand-kids and great-grand-kids have all gotten to know and (hopefully) love one-another in a way which often eludes extended progeny in today's hustle-and bustle.

IMHO a loving and significantly-more-meaningful gesture than even, say, a college fund. IMHO most college-suitable individuals --- at least those with understanding parents--- will almost always get a degree, but far too many siblings fall out-of-contact far too easily in a peripatetic society which hangs a price-tag on almost everything.

Just a similar "thoughtful-gesture from the grave" type of act.
Wonder if MJ will let it ride on black.

Good story by old_alum. When my grandmother passed a few years ago there was no traditional viewing and burial. We instead scheduled a memorial weekend in the area where she grew up and family members from all over the country flew out and celebrated her life. We paid our own way, but it was a great weekend and saw a lot of family members that I hadn't seen in decades.

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