Too Funny.........


All Universe
Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
Now the dems want to hear from Bolton and will believe him 100% yet they have had nothing but utter disdain for him through the years. Too funny.

Congressman Van Drew won as a dem and votes pretty much in lock step with them. Realizes he's not going to win again as a dem so he switches to repub. The repubs now embrace him and call him a hero. Too funny.

Schumer writes a letter excoriating impeachment in 1998 but now he's in full favor. Too funny.

McConnell has to take an oath of impartiality yet publicly states he is not impartial. Too funny.

The dems claim Trump abused his power. Obama and pretty much all other recent presidents did similar bur crickets then. Too funny.

The repubs claim they are the party of limited government yet deficit spend even worse then the dems. Too funny.

The dems claim to be a voice of the people yet continue to want legislation that keeps the people a ward of the state. Too funny.

Those evangelists (I just can't capitalize that word) claim the moral high ground yet continue to support Trump regardless of his words and actions. Earth to those evangelists, come in please, you just don't care about morals. Too funny.

Those catholics (I just can't capitalize that word) claim to revere the bible yet have no problem supporting pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage politicians. Earth to those catholics, come in please, you just don't care about the bible. Too funny

I'm going to add to this thread, please feel free to add such silliness from all sides.
Hypocrisy all around for sure, but nuance is also important in most of those.
Not really.
Regarding Bolton, I think you would tend to want a witness under oath whether you like them or not. That isn't partisan. It's like when a member of a gang testifies against another member of a gang, you aren't going to say "can you believe the prosecution wants to hear from a gang member, they don't even like gangs".

Van Drew, Schumer, McConnell? - Partisan

Abuse of power with Trump vs. Obama. - Nuance. Is 10 mph over the speed limit the same thing as 50?

Republicans and limited government, democrats and personal freedoms - partisan

Anyone voting for any politician based on religious views - hypocritical for the most part but there is definitely room for nuance.
Nuance is just another way to spin things to one's particular agenda. Too funny.
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and ignoring it to spin to one's particular agenda is just as easy.

Two chemists walk into a bar. The first orders a glass of H2O, the seconds says "That sounds good, I'll have some H2O too"
The first said, "finally my assassination plot has succeeded" as the 2nd passed away.

Sometimes those subtle differences can be pretty important. ;)
Maybe I look at things too much through a business lens. A little ironic and sad that we have our political leadership consumed by investigations and impeachment proceedings, while we are facing a potential global pandemic crisis. I know we should expect Congress to do more than one thing at once, but they are prioritizing nothing beyond impeachment and fighting impeachment.

My personal frustration with politics. Too much incentive to do nothing. Thankfully, there are people that are surveilling and planning for what we may be facing (while not a peep out of D.C.). I'm not going be a fear-mongering alarmist, but from where I sit, the data and information is telling me that it's much worse than is being reported. More of our leaders should be paying attention.

I have not delved too deep into this investigation/trial because from my POV, it's just more politics and nonsense. I won't repeat, add or opine on the list of hypocrisy that SPK's comprehensive and will leave it at that.

The information from the CDC and other governing bodies I am seeing on the Corona virus is concerning, unsettling and getting my attention. Bolton, Kobe, etc. not so much. I am suspect of the information we are getting out of China. My wife works for a company based in Shanghai 400 miles from is closed until further notice.....NOT funny.
My personal frustration with politics. Too much incentive to do nothing. Thankfully, there are people that are surveilling and planning for what we may be facing (while not a peep out of D.C.).

I get that. We should want and expect more from our elected leaders but knowing some people working in the background for certain government agencies, I am comforted that there are people who view their responsibility way beyond any political noise.

I have not delved too deep into this investigation/trial because from my POV, it's just more politics and nonsense.

That's not incorrect, though there were probably people not paying attention to the founding fathers at the time because it was just politics and nonsense. For the historical context, I think watching history unfold is fairly interesting.

The information from the CDC and other governing bodies I am seeing on the Corona virus is concerning, unsettling and getting my attention. Bolton, Kobe, etc. not so much. I am suspect of the information we are getting out of China. My wife works for a company based in Shanghai 400 miles from is closed until further notice.....NOT funny.

You're right. Hope you’re wife is safe.
I get that. We should want and expect more from our elected leaders but knowing some people working in the background for certain government agencies, I am comforted that there are people who view their responsibility way beyond any political noise.

That's not incorrect, though there were probably people not paying attention to the founding fathers at the time because it was just politics and nonsense. For the historical context, I think watching history unfold is fairly interesting.

You're right. Hope you’re wife is safe.
Thanks. My wife is U.S. based so she is here, but was caught off guard with the sudden closing.

On the other stuff, I’m tired of politicians shirking their responsibilities.
The dems keep emphasizing that U.S. national security was affected by delaying aid to Ukraine. What a crock, U.S. national security was in no way, shape, or form impacted at all and hardly ever is, it just histrionics. Shouldn't be giving any foreign aid to anyone anyways. Too funny.

The repubs now say Trump did nothing wrong, and even if he did, it's not impeachable. While abuse of power is not a listed crime, it is certainly impeachable. Too funny.
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The dems keep emphasizing that U.S. national security was affected by delaying aid to Ukraine. What a crock, U.S. national security was in no way, shape, or form impacted at all and hardly ever is, it just histrionics. Shouldn't be giving any foreign aid to anyone anyways. Too funny.

While our national security was probably not in immediate danger, longer term security interests were a concern. I can understand your point of view about any foreign aid, but what would have been the consequence if the president ultimately denied the foreign aid that was appropriated by congress? What message is that sending to our allies, does it embolden Russian aggression in Ukraine? Is there increased risk to the US troops in Ukraine?

I don't know the answers, but I don't think you can say it would have had no impact on US national security.
This is all leading to a State of the Union speech next week, that will be arguably have the highest ratings of all time....exactly what Trump is looking for....smh
While our national security was probably not in immediate danger, longer term security interests were a concern. I can understand your point of view about any foreign aid, but what would have been the consequence if the president ultimately denied the foreign aid that was appropriated by congress? What message is that sending to our allies, does it embolden Russian aggression in Ukraine? Is there increased risk to the US troops in Ukraine?

I don't know the answers, but I don't think you can say it would have had no impact on US national security.

Research foreign aid in your current review of the Constitution and Federalist Papers and let us know what you find. Too funny.

Also review presidents spending money NOT appropriated by congress and let us know what you find there. Too funny.
Research foreign aid in your current review of the Constitution and Federalist Papers and let us know what you find. Too funny.

Like I said, there is certainly a valid debate for any foreign aid.

BUT, that was not your argument. You argued that "U.S. national security was in no way, shape, or form impacted at all".

I think you are wrong there.
but playing along with your thread,

Listening along today, the Republicans asking questions to the republican counsel and Democrats asking questions to the house managers are all partisan hacks. They should be challenging the other side, not asking confirming questions. Very weak.
Romney posted the questions he will be asking on twitter which are good though. Hope there are more senators like him.
but playing along with your thread,

Listening along today, the Republicans asking questions to the republican counsel and Democrats asking questions to the house managers are all partisan hacks. They should be challenging the other side, not asking confirming questions. Very weak.
Romney posted the questions he will be asking on twitter which are good though. Hope there are more senators like him.

I don't watch that crap but isn't that sad? Too funny.
I think this board should also officially thank the people of Kansas for the Chief's Super Bowl win yesterday.
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I think this board should also officially thank the people of Kansas for the Chief's Super Bowl win yesterday.
Trump is geography challenged, but do you think any politician would congratulate the state of New Jersey if the Giants or Jets won the Super Bowl?
The democraps can't even figure out Iowa yet they want to scrap the Electoral College?

And they expect to beat Trump?

Too funny.
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