Trove Tidbit


Jan 1, 2003

Jay Gomes High on Holloway​

By Colin Rajala

................Trove: It was a really fun run, relevance means a heck of a lot when the program and fan base hadn’t seen a tournament since 2006. The Willard era really took off after the top recruiting class of Isaiah Whitehead, Khadeen Carrington, Angel Delgado, Desi Rodriguez and Ish Sanogo and I think a lot of that has to do with the relationships that Shaheen Holloway helped build and develop. Now, you have obviously had a chance to cover Shaheen since high school, how do you view his career from being a top recruit, to leading the Pirates to the Sweet 16, to securing a transcendent recruiting class and of course the recent Elite Eight run before returning to his alma mater?

Gomes: I’ve been lucky enough to cover Shaheen’s career since the summer going into his freshman year. As a player, and I've said this to many people over the years, he was probably the most dominant player I've seen in my 30 years of covering New Jersey. He dominated every game. He was just so good, so smart, so competitive. Just looking at their high school careers and their AAU careers and their summer careers, he’s up there with the likes of Kyrie Irving, Karl Anthony Towns, Dajuan Wagner or any of the other greatest players in the history of New Jersey basketball. I followed him throughout his career and I remember being at the press conference when he got hired as St. Peter's head coach and I was amazed at the progress that he made in his career. Just remembering him as a player, he was so polished and poised, but as a coach he was more polished than expected and his poise as a coach came through his personality where he grew up to be a man that's a leader of men. I was very much just really blown away by how far he had come. Now, I thought he would do a good job at St. Peter’s, most people did, but no one thought he would have the type of success he had in a few short years. It's more of a credit to him that he long believed in himself and his team but he got the guys to believe in themselves. That belief propelled them past all of the big boys and onto a run for the ages.

Trove: Knowing the list of greats to have played the sport through the years, it really means something to be in that upper echelon of names. It just points to the stature and importance he has had carrying the torch for the tri-state area and passing it on to so many guys.

Gomes: I think that will help in his recruiting a little bit. He’s been in and walked in those shoes of the young kids nowadays. He knows the pitfalls and he avoided them all as a player in college, in the pros overseas and now as a coach. He’s done everything the right way and I think he really uses that well when he's communicating with the kids. He gets kids that he sees have their head in the right place and are dedicated to the game like he was. It will help at Seton Hall.
Gomes is basically NJ's Tom Konchalski. Few see more HS and college basketball than he.

Through SPK I met Jay many years ago and I can tell you from experience that when it comes to the sport there aren't many who have a better eye than Jay Gomes.
Part 2

Jay Gomes on a Myriad of Topics​

......................Trove: Now for the Seton Hall fanbase, having Sha as the head coach, expectations on securing local recruits seems more plausible than in recent years. Some of the guys that have been considering the Pirates include Akil Watson from Roselle Catholic, Aaron Clark, who played at St. Benedict’s before going to Brewster Academy, and Ty Laur Johnson, who also played at St. Benedict’s before heading to Our Saviour Lutheran in the Bronx. What do you think about some of the local recruits and their chances of playing for The Hall down the line?

Gomes: I think Ty Laur Johnson is a name that I really like that is still out there. I think the kid was a little bit underrated nationally until this summer. He had a big splash on the AAU circuit and now more people are getting involved. He is extremely quick, extremely confident and has a great motor. I think he would be a great guard for the Pirates if they can get him.

If you look at the '24 class, a name that Seton Hall has been involved with is Tahaad Pettiford at Hudson Catholic. He’s another very good guard that does everything well. He’s a lefty who competes and creates shots for himself and is very talented. If you look at Sha throughout his career and at St. Peter’s, he has done a very good job at recruiting in the area and particularly from his alma mater, The Patrick School, who have a couple of young big kids that are very good and potential prospects for the Pirates.

There’s a 6’8 kid that is going to be a junior Caleb Embeya and there is a kid who is going to be a sophomore, 6’10 Ifaola Tacko. Both are very good prospects that are coming on. While they are not big names nationally, Tacko just cracked the Rivals top 40 in the class of 25. Those are two names to keep an eye on because of Sha’s success recruiting his alma mater.

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