Trove tidbit


Jan 1, 2003

Part 3 of Zack's interview with Ryan Whalen

TROVE: Last season, you told Halldan to watch out for Dre Davis and that proved pretty prescient. I know it's still summer, but any predictions for this year? Who's impressing you in your limited time with the players so far?

WHALEN: Dan always likes to needle me about that and make me look like Nostradamus, but I think when he asked me that we were in like September practices. The guy who has really impressed me, and you kind of had an idea of watching him in high school and watching him a little bit last year, of kind of what he can be: Garwey Dual. I think he's going to have a really big year for us. I think he's got a load of potential. I don't talk about other places of where they've been or what they've done, I only talk about what they're doing with us. I think with the way that Coach coaches and the way he develops people on and off the court, I'm really excited to watch Garwey within our system.

A lot of guys have had really good summers, and I'm just talking about the new guys, Scotty Middleton's had a great summer. Chaunce Jenkins has had a great summer. I'm excited to see these guys all together when September rolls back around and it's a little bit of a different feel in the summer where classes are online and you have a formal pattern, things get a little more hectic when guys are back for Fall classes, but Garwey is a guy for sure that I'm excited to see how he plays.

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